Entries from Simona 1986 in Pollex-Online

Simona, R. e. a. (1986). Tokelau Dictionary. Apia, Western Samoa, Office of Tokelau Affairs.

Language Item Description
Tokelau Kata Laugh, laughter
Tokelau Katafa Frigate bird (Fregata spp.)
Tokelau Katea Side of canoe opposite to outrigger
Tokelau Kati Bite, to bite
Tokelau Ato Suitcase Problematic
Tokelau Kaatoa Be complete, whole; fully; be full (of the moon)
Tokelau Kau- Prefix denoting group of people
Tokelau Kau Stalk, handle
Tokelau Koo First person singular preposed pronoun
Tokelau Kau (Ki) take sides with; (i) join in
Tokelau Kauvae Jaw, chin
Tokelau Kaugutu (Of cup, bowl, well, etc.) Brim, top edge, rim
Tokelau Kaukau Swim about
Tokelau Kaumatua Mother animal or bird
Tokelau Kaunatu The rubbing stick of which the point is rubbed...against another piece of wood to start fire
Tokelau Kaupapa Area of rock on reef or along the shore
Tokelau Kauvaka Crew of a canoe
Tokelau Ka/kava Acrid, pungent
Tokelau Kava/hia Be stung, affected by pungency (of mouth)
Tokelau Makuku Sprain (of the upper joints, from waist upwards)
Tokelau Kave Beam, ray (of light)
Tokelau Kave Take, carry, give
Tokelau Kawea Be mentally affected by something; be "carried away"
Tokelau Kavega Load, burden
Tokelau Kaavei Strap, handle
Tokelau Kavei Tentacle of octopus, squid
Tokelau Ke Introduces subordinate clauses, frequently indicating a wish, purpose or command
Tokelau Kee 2nd person singular pronoun (agent immediately preceding the verb)...
Tokelau Kee Quarrel
Tokelau Kea Young turtle
Tokelau Kefukefu Be grey
Tokelau Kele/kele Blood (of human); dirt
Tokelau Kele/kele Soil, earth, dirt; land
Tokelau Kelemutu Earthworm
Tokelau Keli Dig, excavate
Tokelau Kemo Flash, blink, twinkle
Tokelau Kehe Be different, changed, unusual, strange, other, foreign
Tokelau Kete Type of basket
Tokelau Ketu Hobble, limp, walk lamely
Tokelau Keu Push, shove, flick off
Tokelau Kiato Outrigger-boom
Tokelau Kie Kind of pandanus used for high quality mats
Tokelau Kiekie Special kind of mat woven purely with laukie. The most valued kind of mat
Tokelau Kiki Starchy foods which are eaten to accompany the protein food, or vice versa
Tokelau Kikii Squeal, squeak
Tokelau Io (Of a vegetable grown for its roots) tuber, root etc. Problematic
Tokelau Kili Skin
Tokelau Kili To file, rasp
Tokelau Kilikili Gravel, shingle
Tokelau Kimaa We two (he and I), us