Entries from Stimson 1964 in Pollex-Online

Stimson, J. F. (1964). A Dictionary of Some Tuamotuan Dialects of the Polynesian Language. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff.

Language Item Description
Tuamotu Paapaariŋa Cheek
Tuamotu Papatua Small of back
Tuamotu Papi(i) Copulate
Tuamotu Papu/raŋo Smallest growth stage of the fish (Myripristis multiradiatus)
Tuamotu Paapuu Level, flat, smooth; sure, certain, convinced
Tuamotu Paheke Slip
Tuamotu Pahii A large sea-going canoe or ship
Tuamotu Pahu Thump
Tuamotu Pahu Drum
Tuamotu Pahu Thrust, impel, pierce, penetrate; press, push, force
Tuamotu Pahuua Tridacna clam sp
Tuamotu Pata Raindrop
Tuamotu Pata Strike, tap, fillip with the finger
Tuamotu Paataŋa-roa A fish
Tuamotu Paataratara Prickly, covered with spines etc.
Tuamotu Paatari Entice, as fish; allure
Tuamotu Paatee Cause to emit clinking, metallic, tapping sound; ring (as bell)
Tuamotu Paatee Jerk, yank a fish-line
Tuamotu Paatero Protrude
Tuamotu Pati Cajole, coax
Tuamotu Patii Splash, spout up
Tuamotu Paatiki Flounder
Tuamotu Paatiti Drive in a nail
Tuamotu Paatito A scablike condition on the heads of children
Tuamotu Patoo Make sharp, loud, sudden, cracking sound (Obs.)
Tuamotu Paatoki Chop with an adze, axe Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu Patu Strike
Tuamotu Patu Construct with rock
Tuamotu Paatuu Screen
Tuamotu Paatuki A fish, small, black or brownish
Tuamotu Paratuki (Cirrhites pinnulatus)
Tuamotu Paaua Shellfish sp.
Tuamotu Paaua/ua An immense oyster-like bivalve shellfish...
Tuamotu Paua A coarse screen of plaited coconut leaf
Tuamotu Pee- Like (Resembling)
Tuamotu Pee Overripe
Tuamotu Pee/pee Crushed
Tuamotu Peau A wave (in general)
Tuamotu Peka Cross, branch
Tuamotu Pera Putrefying flesh
Tuamotu Pere To roam over land or sea
Tuamotu Pere To make a thrusting, beating, sweeping motion
Tuamotu Tuu/pere/ Thrust, prod
Tuamotu Pererau Wing, flipper, fin, collarbone
Tuamotu (Pe)peru Bend, fold
Tuamotu Peruperu A fish
Tuamotu Pe/pena To be tended, taken care of
Tuamotu Penu Pound, crush, mash Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu Penu Stone pounder
Tuamotu Pepe Butterfly