#89.4: Other Sea Creatures.

Reconstruction Description
MATA-PISU Shellfish sp., Limpet
MOHI A crustacean
MOKO.1B Various species of invertebrates (us. with modifier)
MOSO.3 Bivalve sp., decorated belt
MUU-FEKE Squid, cuttlefish
NAI Tridacna sp
NAKOFU Bivalve, Tridacna sp.
OMA.2 Sponge
ONEA A sea-snake or eel sp.
OPE.3 Barnacle: *(q)ope
PAA-PAKA.* Crab: *pa(k)a-paka
PAA-RAU Pearl-oyster, pearl-shell
PAASUA Tridacna clam sp
PAAUA Shellfish sp
PAKA.2 Crab
PAKI-PAKI Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia sp.)
PALOLO.A Balolo worm; season or month when the worm appears
PALOLO.B Bad-smelling micro-organism in the sea
PATITO.2 A marine creature
PILI-PILI Octopus, cuttlefish
PIPI.1 A bivalve shellfish
PISI.2 Limpet (Patella sp.)
POE Pearl
POO-REHO Cowrie-shell (Cypraea sp.): *poo-re(f,s)o
PUE-KI Shellfish sp.
PULE.1 Cowrie shell
PULEWA Marine substance/creature with stone-like or rough exterior
PUU-LOA Shellfish sp.
PUU.1 Trumpet shell; trumpet: Pu(q)u
PUU.5 Head of octopus
PUUPUU.2 Univalve shellfish
QALILI A univalve mollusc, (Turbo sp.)
QUFI.2 Shellfish sp
QUGA Hermit crab sp
QUGA-KOA Shellfish sp. (Vermetidae): *quga-ko(a,o)
QULA-QULA A prawn or shrimp
QURA Crayfish
QUUQUU Coconut crab (Birgus latro)
REHO Tiger cowrie (Maurea sp.)
RUMANE Sea-anemone (Rby)
SAAWAKI Sea-urchin with short spines
SEMA.2 A jellyfish: *sema(sema)
SISI.2 Univalve mollusc, snail-like, perhaps generic
SULALI Beche-de-mer sp (Holuthuria)
TAAPEA. A sea-snake or sea eel
TAKU-HALI Sea-snake
TALA-MEA Crown-of-thorns Starfish (Acanthaster planci)
TALASEA Marine creature, perhaps a sea-slug

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