#73: Physical Properties.

Reconstruction Description
KUPA Exhausted, enfeebled
KUU.2 Wet or rotten
LAFU.3 In poor condition (surface of soil or body)
LALI.2 Wet
LAQAA-INA Exposed to sun, affected by sun
LIFA.2 Chipped, marred
LIKO.1 Dirty
LOO-LOO Wet, soaked
MA-FANA To be warm: *ma(a)fana
MA-IKI Damaged, worn
MA-ISI To peel off (vi); to split
MA-KAKA Stiff, hard; obstinate, vigorous
MA-KEKE Strong
MA-LENA Smooth, stretched
MA-NIA.2 Smooth, slippery
MA-QAFU.1 Steam, steamy; odour (of cooking food)
MA-QOPO Compact, packed together
MA-TOSI Striped, scratched
MA-UU Sink
MAA-KUU Damp: *ma(a)kuu
MAA-LALI Smooth, slippery
MAA-WAQA Gapped, open
MAALOO.B Stretched, taut, stiff, straight
MAALUU.1A Damp, moist, cool
MAE.1B Decaying, "off" or "high" (of animal food)
MAFA-TIA Weighed down, bent under weight; burdened, oppressed
MAGO Dry; old (of things)
MAGU.2 Dried up (of that which was wet or moist)
MALU.B Watertight, waterproof, not leaky
MALUU.A Soft (of a substance), weak, tender
MAOA Limp, languid
MAQA-MAQA.A Light (in weight)
MAQA.1 Clean, light-coloured
MAROKO Dry: *m(a,o)rok(a,o,e)
MAROO Hard (not soft), stiff, dry
MASA.1 Dry, empty (of liquid), low (of tide)
MATUQU.A Dry (of something that was originally wet), dried out; congealed, desiccated
MAUKU Recede, go down, deflate
MEAQA.* Clean
MEGE Shrivelled, wrinkled
MIGO Wrinkled, shrivelled (Clk)
MOKO.3 Cold
MOLE.2 Smooth
MOLI.2 Bare, plain: *mo(l,r)i
MOONENEFU Covered with spray, tarnished
MUKA.1C Fragile, delicate
MUU.4 Blunt, dull

162 entries found