#85: Cosmology and Weather.

Reconstruction Description
MAALUU.2 Calm, gentle, mild (of weather or persons)
MAGOO-ROA The Milky Way
MANA.2 Thunder
MANU.1B Name of a star or constellation
MAO.1 Cease raining
MAQAFU.2 Magellan Clouds
MARAGAI.* South-east quarter and wind
MATA-A-QUHA Raindrop
MATA-LIKI.B A star cluster, the Pleiades; name of a month or season
MATAGI Wind, breeze
MATE.1E Very calm (of sea or weather); low tide
MELE.2 A star (Venus or Antares)
MOTI-MOTI Light rain, drizzle
MULE.1 Blow gently
NUANUA. Rainbow
OKO.2B Strong wind; blow hard (of wind)
PAA-LAPU West wind
PAA.2C Blow against (of wind)
PALE.3C Decline, of sun or moon
PATA.1A Raindrop
POO.1C The Underworld
PUAASIOSIO.* Whirlwind
PUI-AKI Shelter from wind
PUQAO Mist, fog, cloud
PUSA.3 Stifling heat
PUSI-A To be blown, carried away (by wind)
PUU-LEFU Mist, cloud
QAA-SIO-SIO Whirlwind, tornado, waterspout: *(qaa-)sio-sio
QAFUA Fine (of weather)
QALI.1B A stage of the lunar cycle
QAO.1 Cloud
QARO-FI-LAGI Visible sky, weather
QUHILA Lightning
QUMATA Rainbow
QUMU.1B Halo round moon or sun
RAU-MATI Fair weather (Clk)
REFU.2 Twilight; dim, obscure; rain cloud
ROTU.2 Heavy rain
RUA-ROA Solstice
SA-WILI To blow of the wind; breeze
SAU.1 Dew
SAU.6 Wind, breeze; to blow (of wind)
SISI.4 Ray of sunlight
SOPO.C Rise (of sun or moon)
SUELO Ray of light
SUMU.3 Name of a celestial object

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