#85: Cosmology and Weather.

Reconstruction Description
SISI.4 Ray of sunlight
SOPO.C Rise (of sun or moon)
SUELO Ray of light
SUMU.3 Name of a celestial object
SURU.B Set (of sun, moon, stars)
TAFA-QAKI-LAGI Horizon (Clk): *tafaqa(ki)-lagi
TAGO.C Dark; intensifier for words describing darkness
TALAGA Traditional person, parent of Tikitiki; a star
TAU-FAA Squall, rain storm; a constellation
TII.3 Shine (of sun)
TIMU.1 Squall, rain
TITI.3 Lunar halo
TITI.4 Streaky clouds
TIU Monsoon wind, wind from north-westerly quarter
TOENE Set (of sun), edge away
TOGA (Wind from) south-easterly quarter; southern trade wind
TOKE-LAU Northerly quarter and wind from that quarter
TOKOLAU.* Wind from north to north-west quarter
TOO.3 Fall (esp. of rain); set (of sun), descend
TUQULA-LUPE Name of a star or a constellation: *tuqula-(a)-lupe
TUU.3 A night or series of nights in the first part of the lunar cycle
ULA.2 To blow
UNU.4 Name of a constellation
URU.1 Wind from a westerly quarter
VEHI A phase of the moon
WERO A star name
WILI-GIA Be blown by wind

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