Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
FOTA.3 Hollow out (Rby): *fot(a, o)
FOTO Barb of stingray
FOTU.1 Appear, emerge
CK FOTU.2 Sob: *(f,s)otu
FOTU.3A Hole that goes right through, perforation, puncture
FOTU.3B Genital orifice
FOTU.4 Night of full moon (the middle of the lunar cycle)
FOTUQA Fish sp.
FUA-.2 Numeral prefix meaning "ten"
FUA-FUA.1 First (preposed adverb)
FU FUA-QEFA Large (Rby)
FUA-QI- Unitizing prefix
FUA-QI-TINO Body (Rby)
FUA-TAGA.2 Unit of measurement (Rby): *fuata(g)a
FUA-TASA Only child
FUA-TUU Plantain (Musa sp.): Fu(a, e)-tuu
FUA.1A Weigh, measure; size
FUA.1B Carry on shoulder
FUA.3A Fruit; to bear fruit; egg
FUA.3B Testicles
FUA.3C A night of the waxing moon
FUA.3D Part of a clam; fish eggs, roe
FUA.3E Classifier
FUA.4 Fleet of canoes
FUA.5A Only, merely
FUA.5B Naked
FUA.6 Gather leaves, especially for thatching
FUA.7 Commence a chant or song
FUAAGA Relative, kinsman
FUAFUA.2A Pimple
FUAFUA.2B Swelling (body part)
FUAFUA.3 Young mullet or mullet-like fish sp (Rby)
FUAQA Jealous
SF FUATA-GALU Waves which break on the reef
FUATA.1A Shaft of a spear
FUATA.1B Type of net, or part of net
FUATA.2 Crop, especially breadfruit
CO FUATAGA.1 Ritual song (Rby)
FUE.1A A seashore creeping vine
FUE.1B Calabash-gourd (Lagenaria)
FUE.2 Fly whisk, fan
FUFU.1 Wood-eating grub
FUFU.2 Strip off
FUFU.3 Rough, troubled water
FUGA.1 (Upper) surface
FUGA.2 Crumb, grain, or scrap from crumbling or scraping
FUGA.3 Flower
FUGAO Affine of alternate generation
FUGAO-NA Affine of alternate generation
FUGOWAI.* Parent-in-law

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