Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
FEKII.A A tree fern
FEKII.B Plantain (Musa troglodytarum)
FEKIKI Struggle with; quarrel
FEKIQI Fart; squeal
TO FEKO Limp; skinny
FELA To spread wide open (esp. legs); open out
FU FELAU Care for
FELO.1 A colour, yellow
FELO.2 A tree (Ficus tinctoria)
FENA Hard, solid
FENUA.*A Country, land
FENUA.*B People of a place
FENUA.*C Placenta, afterbirth
FENUA.*D Cannon (when qualifying the word for gun)
FENUQU.A* Strand of rope or cord; single element in plaiting, netting, etc.: *fenu(u)
FENUQU.B Some procedure in plaiting or braiding
FENUU.* Afterbirth, placenta
FEO Coral
FEQAO Escort, protector; companion. to accompany, look after
FEQATA.A Fish sp.
FEQATA.B Beche de mer sp.
FEREI.* Expose eyeball
FESI-QA To hate
FESI.1 Tree sp. (Intsia bijuga)
FESI.2 To hate, dislike, upset: *(f,w)esi
FESU Hold fast, capture
TO FETAQANU Tree sp. Excoecaria
FETAQU A tree (Calophyllum inophyllum)
FETE.1 Swollen (Rby): *(fe(te))fete
FETE.2 Cautious, timid
FETUQU-LELE Meteor, shooting star
FETUQU-QAHO The Morning Star
FIA- Verbal prefix indicating desire, wish
FIA-INU To be thirsty
FIA-KAI To be hungry
FIA-MOHE To be sleepy
FIA.* Where?
FIFI-MATA Eye lashes
FIFI.1 Some part of female genitalia
FIFI.2A Entangled; confused
FIFI.2B Intestines
FIFI.3 Extensions from a body, as antennae, rays
FIFITI Pungent, hot (to taste), bitter
TO FIGO Wrinkle
FIGOTA Sea creatures except turtles and fish; especially shellfish
FIHA.A How many? how much?

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