Protoform: FOTU.4 [CE] Night of full moon (the middle of the lunar cycle)

Description: Night of full moon (the middle of the lunar cycle)
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to CE: Central-Eastern Polynesian

*0 << PN *fotu.1 "appear, emerge"

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Easter Island Hotu One of Buck's middle period nights of the moon (Grn. 1985) (Fts)
Hawaiian Hoku Night of the full moon (Pki)
Mangareva ʔO/ʔotu 3rd day of full moon (I) (???)
Mangareva Ko/otu Pleine lune (Rch)
Mangareva ʔOtu (Buck). O/otu (Laval) La 16ième nuit de la lune (Buck). Fourteenth night (Laval). (Rch)
Manihiki-Rakahanga Hotu One of Buck's middle period nights of the moon (Grn. 1985) (???)
Marquesas Hotu nui (MQN), honu nui (MQS) Pleine lune, 15ème jour de la lune (Lch)
Marquesas O/hotu/nui (MQN), o/hoto/nui (MQS). Sixteenth [Northwest Marquesan Dialect] or fifteenth [Southeast Marquesan Dialect] night of lunar cycle (Aud)
New Zealand Maori Hotu Fifteenth night of lunar cycle (Wms)
Penrhyn Hotu Fifteenth night of lunar cycle (Yda)
Raʔivavae Hotu The fourteenth or fifteenth night of the lunar month... (Stn)
Rarotongan ʔOtu Fourteenth night of the moon (Bse)
Rotuman Hofu Rise, of the moon (Cwd)
Tahitian Hotu Etre plein (lune). 15th night of lunar cycle (Aud). (Aca)
Tuamotu Hotu Fifteenth or seventeenth night of lunar cycle. Nights from 13 to 17 (Aud). (Stn)

15 entries found

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