Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
CK FITI.4 Group (of people), family
FITU Seven
FIU Wearied of, bored with, satisfied, satiated
FOA-QUGA Bird sp.: *(tuli)foa-quga
FOA.A Break (as something hard); smash
FOA.B Make a path
FOA.C Headache
FOFOGA Honorific/polite term for face, eyes, mouth, head
FU FOGA-SELE Prized (Rby)
FOHE Paddle
FOHE-MURI Stern paddle
FOHI Remove skin, peel
FOHU Enter into, pierce
FOKA Move suddenly, as against an adversary, or involuntarily when asleep
FOKAI Lizard sp
FOKE Peel (as fruit)
FOKI.1 Return
FOKI.2 Also; again (a postposed particle)
FOLA Spread out; spread
FOLA-FOLA Announce, proclaim, say publicly
FOLAU Expedition by sea; sea voyage; travel by sea
FOLE Shellfish sp.
FOLI.1 Go here and there, back and forth, round about
TO FOLI.2 Intend
FOLO Swallow, ingest
FONO-GA Something joined or added; joint, connection
FONO.1A Stop up a gap, patch, inlay, join
FONO.1B Washstrake or other plank for a canoe
FONO.2A Deliberative assembly
FONO.2B Judgment, decision (of assembly), rule, instruction
FONO.3 Food served with kava
FONU.1 Full
FONU.2 Turtle
FOO.1 Small fish sp.: *fo(q)o
FOO.2A Rub, as in extracting starch from arrowroot, massaging
FOO.2B Wash clothes
FOO.3 Drive fish
FOQAGA.* Abrasive stone, grindstone: *fo(q)(o)anga
FOQI.1 Classifying particle preposed to nouns indicating small objects of compact shape
TO FOQI.2 Hesitant, cowardly
FORE Peel or strip (as skin or bark): *fo(r,l)e
FOSA.1 Son
FOSA.2 Grow large tubers; form tubers
FOTA.1A Squeeze
CC FOTA.1B Gasp for breath
FOTA.2 Fishtrap

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