Protoform: FIRI-FIRI [MQ] Turtle net

Description: Turtle net
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to MQ: Marquesic

*0 < PN *firi.1

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Mangareva ʔIriʔiri Filet pour attraper les tortues; aller à la pêche à la tortue (Rch)
Marquesas Fiʔifiʔi Petit filet pour prendre les tortues (Dln)
Marquesas Fefé, hehhe A net of cocoa nut fibres for catching turtle (Crk)
Tuamotu Firifiri, hirihiri The net-like structure enclosing the stomach of a pig Uncertain Semantic Connection (Stn)
Tuamotu Hirihiri A small scoop-net for fish (Stn)

5 entries found

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