Protoform: KUAGA [FU] Trunk, waist

Description: Trunk, waist
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to FU: FU

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Kuaga Body (of person), trunk (of tree) (Mfr)
Emae Kuanga Tronc, le tronc du cocotier, corps de l'igname (Rve)
Tikopia Kuanga Waist, trunk (of tree), shaft of penis (Fth)
Vaeakau-Taumako Kuonga Trunk...i.e. the body minus arms, legs and head Phonologically Irregular (Hvn)
Vaeakau-Taumako Kuo/kuonga Be fat (Hvn)
West Uvea Kuanga Waist between ribs and haunches [Muli Dialect]. Between, among [Heo Dialect] (Hmn)

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