Protoform: PIIGOFI [CK] Tongs: *piigo(f,s)i

Description: Tongs: *piigo(f,s)i
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to CK: CK

*1 Cf. PN *hiko-fi

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Mangaia Miingaangoʔi Tongs Phonologically Irregular (Bse)
Manihiki-Rakahanga Pingohi Tongs (Bck)
New Zealand Maori Piinohi Tongs, to place something with tongs (Wms)
Niue Pitoi Tongs; to remove with tongs Problematic (Sph)
Pukapuka Piingoi Tongs Problematic (Bge)
Rarotongan Piingoʔi Tongs, pick up with tongs (Bse)
Rarotongan Piringoʔi (Use) tongs, tweezers Phonologically Irregular (Bse)
Tahitian Piiʔehi Répartir uniformément les pierres chaudes d'un four polynésien. To spread the hot stones in a native oven, and to extinguish the fire Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)

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