Protoform: POI.C [PN] Irregular motion

Description: Irregular motion
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Ifira-Mele Poi Dance (Clk)
New Zealand Maori Poi/poi Wander about; toss, swing, wave about (Wms)
Niue Poi Run, run around (Sph)
Nukuoro Boi Abnormal [singular] (Crl)
Samoan Poi A game on mud flats (Prt)
Tikopia Poi Come, go, depart (singular subject) (Fth)
Tikopia Fe/poi/aki Move sideways Borrowed Problematic (Fth)
Tuamotu Poi To toss up and down, as waves in a storm (Stn)
Vaeakau-Taumako Poi/loto Dance where people walk around in the dancing circle (Hvn)

9 entries found

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