Protoform: SIKI.1B [SO] Support, assist (a person), esp. in childbirth; midwife

Description: Support, assist (a person), esp. in childbirth; midwife
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to SO: Samoic-Outlier Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Uvea Hiki/hiki te fatu Manipuler une femme enceinte (Rch)
Nukuoro Sigi To assist in the delivery of a baby (by manually extracting it from the birth canal) (Crl)
Rennellese Si/siki To cut the navel cord of an infant (Ebt)
Sikaiana S/siki A traditional midwife who supervised the mother during her pregnancy and childbirth (Dnr)
Takuu S/siki Female assistant to a clan elder in former days (Mle)
Tokelau Hi/hiki Midwife, midwifery; to be a midwife (Sma)

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