Protoform: TAAIKI [EC] Snare

Description: Snare
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to EC: Ellicean

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Hawaiian Kaʔiʔi A small-meshed net (Pki)
Luangiua Kaiʔi Snare (Smd)
Mangareva Taiki/torea Entrelacement de ficelles pour orner les montants d'une porte. A wreathing or interweaving of threads used to ornament the uprights of a doorway (Tgr). (Rch)
New Zealand Maori Taaiki Anything made of wickerwork (Wms)
Nuguria Taaiki Trap to catch birds, snare; to catch (birds) (Dvl)
Nukumanu Taaiki Trap (v), set trap for (Trt)
Takuu Taaiki Snare something in a noose; trap; knot used as foot snare; fish for flying fish or mullet using baits suspended on short lines from floats (Mle)
Tokelau Taiki/a To be caught, be found at a particular place at a particular time (Sma)
Vaeakau-Taumako Taiki Trap for animals; parcel of little root crops for baking (Hvn)
Vaeakau-Taumako Tai iki Trap for wild fowl (also dogs, formerly also pigs) (Lch)

10 entries found

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