Nuguria entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
NP.KAU-TALIGA Kautarina Ear (Dvl)
EC.MA-LIGI.B Maarini (pl. maarrini) Menstruate (Dvl)
EO.QALU.B Haru/haru/vai Soon Phonologically Irregular (Ray)
PN.QALU.C Ru/aru/mai Komm schnell! [come quickly] (Ths)
PN.QALU.C Aru-mia Call for a person to come (vt) (Dvl)
NP.WELO.2 Velo Carved design on the end of a war canoe (Dvl)
NP.WELO.2 Vaka/velo War canoe, racing canoe (Dvl)
PN.TAPA.1B Tapa Piece of cloth (Dvl)
PN.FAI-QAHAWANA Hai-aavana Married couple (Dvl)
EP.RAQAA Raa/laa Day (in days of the week) (Dvl)
SO.KI-NEI Kinei Here (Dvl)
SO.KI-LAA Kilaa There (Dvl)
NO.PALALAMA Balama Flache schmale Reling...geht entlang dem Bootsrande...von *pane* zu *pane* (Ths)
AN.TAQUFUFU Huhu Giebelholz Phonologically Irregular (Ths)

1664 entries found