Nuguria entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
OC.TAQO.2A | Tau/mi | Put on top of something [weigh down] Phonologically Irregular | (Dvl) |
PN.TAU-LA | Taura | Anchor (n) | (Dvl) |
SO.TAU-TALI | Tautari | Follow (pursue) (vt) | (Dvl) |
MP.TAUTU | Tautu | Porcupine fish (puffing fish) | (Dvl) |
PN.TAWAKE | Tavake | Tropic bird | (Dvl) |
SO.TEQE-AI | Te (h)ai, teai | Be lacking, be absent, without; lose; no | (Dvl) |
MP.MATA-QI-HUHU | Te mata te uu | Nipple (female) | (Dvl) |
PN.POKO.2 | Poko/poko | Hole (in a tree) | (Dvl) |
CP.TIA.1B | Tia/tia | Net-like container for coconut shell containers, made of coconut fibre | (Dvl) |
PN.TILI.1A | Te tiri te ipu | A kind of game... | (Dvl) |
PN.TUQA.1B | Tua | Bridge (of the nose); keel (of boat) | (Dvl) |
AN.WAQE | Vae | Wheel (of vehicle) | (Dvl) |
PN.TERE.A | Tere | Go (of boat) | (Dvl) |
CP.TIA.1B | Tia | Weave (a fishing net) | (Dvl) |
PN.TISE | Tihee | Sneeze (vi) | (Dvl) |
OC.TIFI-TIFI | Tihitihi | Fish sp. | (Dvl) |
PN.TUFUGA | Tihuna | Expert | (Dvl) |
MP.TII.1 | Tii | Plant: (Cordyline fruticosa) | (Dvl) |
NP.TINA-QI | Tiinai | Put out, extinguish (a fire) | (Dvl) |
NP.TINA-QI | Tiinai ki mate | Kill | (Dvl) |
OC.TIKA.A | Tika | Javelin used in war (both ends sharp); pitching game throwing a piece of wood with a rope wrapped around it | (Dvl) |
PN.LITO.2 | Tilo | Immature central leaves of coconut palm (used to fabricate fans, ritual necklaces and headbands, and to cook rice) Phonologically Irregular | (Dvl) |
PN.LITO.2 | Tilo/tilo | Shoot of a coconut | (Dvl) |
PN.TUMU-QAKI | Timu | Crown of head Phonologically Irregular | (Dvl) |
OC.TINO.A | Tino-henua | Main part, main island | (Dvl) |
PN.TUPU.B | Tipu | Units of ten (counting) | (Dvl) |
EC.TIPUNA | Tipuna | Grandparent, great-grandparent | (Dvl) |
PN.TITI.2 | Titi | Grass skirts (for men and women) | (Dvl) |
AN.TOA | Toa | Tree sp. | (Dvl) |
PN.TOQA | Toa | Giants, people of long ago (mythological) | (Dvl) |
AN.TOKI | Toki | Axe (for chopping trees) | (Dvl) |
AN.TOKI | Toki/toki | Axe (similar to takuu, but smaller) | (Dvl) |
PN.TOO.1A | To/ki | Plant, sow (vt) | (Dvl) |
MP.TOKO.1A | Toko | Stick used in boat to punt; pole, punt a boat (paddle) | (Dvl) |
NP.TOKOLAU.* | Tokorau | North-east wind, also North | (Dvl) |
PN.TOKO-TOKO | Tokotoko | Staff, walking-stick | (Dvl) |
MP.TOGO | Tono | Mangrove tree (generic) | (Dvl) |
FJ.TONU.1A | Tonu | Correct, right (vi) | (Dvl) |
PN.TOO.3 | Too | Strong (of rain) | (Dvl) |
PN.TOQO.1 | Too | Get, obtain, take; borrow | (Dvl) |
XO.TO-TOKA | Tootoka | Door, gate | (Dvl) |
AN.TOLU | Toru | Three | (Dvl) |
PN.TATAA | Ttaa | Bailer of a canoe; to scoop water out of canoe | (Dvl) |
EO.TAFI | T(a)/tahi | Wipe, mop (vt) | (Dvl) |
CP.TAGI.B | T/tani | Snore | (Dvl) |
PN.TAQO.3B | T/tao | Sit on eggs | (Dvl) |
PN.TAPA.4 | T/tapa (sg.obj.), tapa/tapa (pl.obj.) | Name (give a name); call; mention | (Dvl) |
PN.TALA-TALA.A | Ttara | Coarse (of sandpaper); furious | (Dvl) |
AN.TALI.1 | Tʔtari | Wait (for), expect | (Dvl) |
PN.TATAU.3 | Ttau | Squeeze out (coconut oil, wet clothes) | (Dvl) |
1664 entries found