Nuguria entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
OC.TAQO.2A Tau/mi Put on top of something [weigh down] Phonologically Irregular (Dvl)
PN.TAU-LA Taura Anchor (n) (Dvl)
SO.TAU-TALI Tautari Follow (pursue) (vt) (Dvl)
MP.TAUTU Tautu Porcupine fish (puffing fish) (Dvl)
PN.TAWAKE Tavake Tropic bird (Dvl)
SO.TEQE-AI Te (h)ai, teai Be lacking, be absent, without; lose; no (Dvl)
MP.MATA-QI-HUHU Te mata te uu Nipple (female) (Dvl)
PN.POKO.2 Poko/poko Hole (in a tree) (Dvl)
CP.TIA.1B Tia/tia Net-like container for coconut shell containers, made of coconut fibre (Dvl)
PN.TILI.1A Te tiri te ipu A kind of game... (Dvl)
PN.TUQA.1B Tua Bridge (of the nose); keel (of boat) (Dvl)
AN.WAQE Vae Wheel (of vehicle) (Dvl)
PN.TERE.A Tere Go (of boat) (Dvl)
CP.TIA.1B Tia Weave (a fishing net) (Dvl)
PN.TISE Tihee Sneeze (vi) (Dvl)
OC.TIFI-TIFI Tihitihi Fish sp. (Dvl)
PN.TUFUGA Tihuna Expert (Dvl)
MP.TII.1 Tii Plant: (Cordyline fruticosa) (Dvl)
NP.TINA-QI Tiinai Put out, extinguish (a fire) (Dvl)
NP.TINA-QI Tiinai ki mate Kill (Dvl)
OC.TIKA.A Tika Javelin used in war (both ends sharp); pitching game throwing a piece of wood with a rope wrapped around it (Dvl)
PN.LITO.2 Tilo Immature central leaves of coconut palm (used to fabricate fans, ritual necklaces and headbands, and to cook rice) Phonologically Irregular (Dvl)
PN.LITO.2 Tilo/tilo Shoot of a coconut (Dvl)
PN.TUMU-QAKI Timu Crown of head Phonologically Irregular (Dvl)
OC.TINO.A Tino-henua Main part, main island (Dvl)
PN.TUPU.B Tipu Units of ten (counting) (Dvl)
EC.TIPUNA Tipuna Grandparent, great-grandparent (Dvl)
PN.TITI.2 Titi Grass skirts (for men and women) (Dvl)
AN.TOA Toa Tree sp. (Dvl)
PN.TOQA Toa Giants, people of long ago (mythological) (Dvl)
AN.TOKI Toki Axe (for chopping trees) (Dvl)
AN.TOKI Toki/toki Axe (similar to takuu, but smaller) (Dvl)
PN.TOO.1A To/ki Plant, sow (vt) (Dvl)
MP.TOKO.1A Toko Stick used in boat to punt; pole, punt a boat (paddle) (Dvl)
NP.TOKOLAU.* Tokorau North-east wind, also North (Dvl)
PN.TOKO-TOKO Tokotoko Staff, walking-stick (Dvl)
MP.TOGO Tono Mangrove tree (generic) (Dvl)
FJ.TONU.1A Tonu Correct, right (vi) (Dvl)
PN.TOO.3 Too Strong (of rain) (Dvl)
PN.TOQO.1 Too Get, obtain, take; borrow (Dvl)
XO.TO-TOKA Tootoka Door, gate (Dvl)
AN.TOLU Toru Three (Dvl)
PN.TATAA Ttaa Bailer of a canoe; to scoop water out of canoe (Dvl)
EO.TAFI T(a)/tahi Wipe, mop (vt) (Dvl)
CP.TAGI.B T/tani Snore (Dvl)
PN.TAQO.3B T/tao Sit on eggs (Dvl)
PN.TAPA.4 T/tapa (sg.obj.), tapa/tapa (pl.obj.) Name (give a name); call; mention (Dvl)
PN.TALA-TALA.A Ttara Coarse (of sandpaper); furious (Dvl)
AN.TALI.1 Tʔtari Wait (for), expect (Dvl)
PN.TATAU.3 Ttau Squeeze out (coconut oil, wet clothes) (Dvl)

1664 entries found