Nuguria entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
XO.SUKU Huku (te tao) Shaft (of spear) (Dvl)
AN.IRI.A Iri Fan (n); a kind of dance for women (Dvl)
MP.PALALAFA Karrapa Central coconut leaf midrib Phonologically Irregular (Dvl)
PN.KAO-KAO Kaukau Longitudinal house strut Phonologically Irregular (Dvl)
PN.KO-IA Koi Only (postposed) Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvl)
PN.KULA.1B Kuro A kind of parrot (Dvl)
PN.MANU-A Manua Get insects (of an old flower) (Dvl)
PN.MAQU-LALO Mauraro Low, shallow (of water) (Dvl)
PN.POKO.2 Poko/poko Covered with sores (hands) Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvl)
AN.PANA.1A P/pana Inept, clumsy Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvl)
NO.PAO.3 P/pao Moor (vt) (Dvl)
SO.LAA-LAA Raaraa/ppura Tiger shark (Dvl)
NO.LIKI R/riki Hit (strike); pound, hit a nail (Dvl)
PN.TAMA.1B Tama(a)- Diminutive, combines with many nouns (Dvl)
EO.TAPA.1C Tapa/taiao Morning Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvl)
NP.TAPERE Tapere Open basket, used to gather eggs and shells; made of coconut leaves, with a handle, quickly woven, used and thrown away (Dvl)
OC.TAQE.2 Te hai Be lacking, absent, without (Dvl)
XO.KUGA Kuana Place, village Phonologically Irregular (Dvl)
PN.TIQAKI Tiake Remain, stay (behind); be abandoned, left behind Phonologically Irregular (Dvl)
FJ.TILI.3 T/tiri Meet (Dvl)
PN.TUQU-LA Tuura Shell root (of small growing clams) (Dvl)
NP.TUQU-LAGA.A Turana Dachholzer, longitudinale (Ths)
NP.TUQU-LAGA.A Tuurana Roof beam (it goes across) (Dvl)
SO.TUQU-LAGA.B Tuutana A kind of ladder; cuts on coconut trees used to climb on (Dvl)
PN.QULU.2 Uru raakau Bundle of wood (Dvl)
NP.KOI-GA Vaa-kooina Boundary between lands belonging to different clans (Dvl)
SO.TUQU-TA Vaa/tuuta Partition (of a house) (Dvl)
PN.QAMO-GA Ru/amona Shoulder (Dvl)
NP.MANU.1B Aa/manu Name of a constellation (Dvl)
PN.TUKI.C Tuki/tuki Pestle (for breadfruit) (Ray)
PN.TUKI.C Tuki/tuki Pounder, wooden tool for mashing taro (Dvl)
PN.MOTO.2B Moto Young coconut, too strong (Dvl)
PN.MOTO.2B Motomoto Young coconut, green or red (drinking coconuts) (Dvl)
PN.FAI.3A Hai Be (somewhere), be there (Dvl)
PN.PUNU-TI Haka punu (te vai) Stop the flow of water (Ray)
PN.QARO-FI-LIMA Aroaro rima Palm (Dvl)
PN.QARO-FI-WAQE Aro/aro vae Sole Phonologically Irregular (Dvl)
XO.PUKU-WAQE Puku-vae Heel (Dvl)
PN.FOHE-MURI Naa hoe i muri Back flippers of turtle (Knoche) (Dvl)
PN.KELE-A Kelekelua [sic] Schmutzig (Ths)
PN.MAQU-A Maua Find (Ray)
PN.TO-TOLO Ttoro Crawl, creep (Dvl)
PN.FIA-MOHE Hii-moe (Be) sleepy (Dvl)
PN.MATE.1E Mate Calm down (of wind) (Dvl)
PN.MA-RAMA.C Maarama te roto Remember (Dvl)
CE.OE Oe Answer to a call Problematic (Dvl)
OC.FIFI.1 Hihi Shell meat; lips of clamshells Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvl)
PN.FIA-INU Fia inu To be thirsty (Ths)
PN.FIA-INU Hiainu To be thirsty (Pkn)
PN.FIA-INU Hii-inu (Be) thirsty (Dvl)

1664 entries found