Nuguria entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
XO.SUKU | Huku (te tao) | Shaft (of spear) | (Dvl) |
AN.IRI.A | Iri | Fan (n); a kind of dance for women | (Dvl) |
MP.PALALAFA | Karrapa | Central coconut leaf midrib Phonologically Irregular | (Dvl) |
PN.KAO-KAO | Kaukau | Longitudinal house strut Phonologically Irregular | (Dvl) |
PN.KO-IA | Koi | Only (postposed) Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dvl) |
PN.KULA.1B | Kuro | A kind of parrot | (Dvl) |
PN.MANU-A | Manua | Get insects (of an old flower) | (Dvl) |
PN.MAQU-LALO | Mauraro | Low, shallow (of water) | (Dvl) |
PN.POKO.2 | Poko/poko | Covered with sores (hands) Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dvl) |
AN.PANA.1A | P/pana | Inept, clumsy Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dvl) |
NO.PAO.3 | P/pao | Moor (vt) | (Dvl) |
SO.LAA-LAA | Raaraa/ppura | Tiger shark | (Dvl) |
NO.LIKI | R/riki | Hit (strike); pound, hit a nail | (Dvl) |
PN.TAMA.1B | Tama(a)- | Diminutive, combines with many nouns | (Dvl) |
EO.TAPA.1C | Tapa/taiao | Morning Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dvl) |
NP.TAPERE | Tapere | Open basket, used to gather eggs and shells; made of coconut leaves, with a handle, quickly woven, used and thrown away | (Dvl) |
OC.TAQE.2 | Te hai | Be lacking, absent, without | (Dvl) |
XO.KUGA | Kuana | Place, village Phonologically Irregular | (Dvl) |
PN.TIQAKI | Tiake | Remain, stay (behind); be abandoned, left behind Phonologically Irregular | (Dvl) |
FJ.TILI.3 | T/tiri | Meet | (Dvl) |
PN.TUQU-LA | Tuura | Shell root (of small growing clams) | (Dvl) |
NP.TUQU-LAGA.A | Turana | Dachholzer, longitudinale | (Ths) |
NP.TUQU-LAGA.A | Tuurana | Roof beam (it goes across) | (Dvl) |
SO.TUQU-LAGA.B | Tuutana | A kind of ladder; cuts on coconut trees used to climb on | (Dvl) |
PN.QULU.2 | Uru raakau | Bundle of wood | (Dvl) |
NP.KOI-GA | Vaa-kooina | Boundary between lands belonging to different clans | (Dvl) |
SO.TUQU-TA | Vaa/tuuta | Partition (of a house) | (Dvl) |
PN.QAMO-GA | Ru/amona | Shoulder | (Dvl) |
NP.MANU.1B | Aa/manu | Name of a constellation | (Dvl) |
PN.TUKI.C | Tuki/tuki | Pestle (for breadfruit) | (Ray) |
PN.TUKI.C | Tuki/tuki | Pounder, wooden tool for mashing taro | (Dvl) |
PN.MOTO.2B | Moto | Young coconut, too strong | (Dvl) |
PN.MOTO.2B | Motomoto | Young coconut, green or red (drinking coconuts) | (Dvl) |
PN.FAI.3A | Hai | Be (somewhere), be there | (Dvl) |
PN.PUNU-TI | Haka punu (te vai) | Stop the flow of water | (Ray) |
PN.QARO-FI-LIMA | Aroaro rima | Palm | (Dvl) |
PN.QARO-FI-WAQE | Aro/aro vae | Sole Phonologically Irregular | (Dvl) |
XO.PUKU-WAQE | Puku-vae | Heel | (Dvl) |
PN.FOHE-MURI | Naa hoe i muri | Back flippers of turtle (Knoche) | (Dvl) |
PN.KELE-A | Kelekelua [sic] | Schmutzig | (Ths) |
PN.MAQU-A | Maua | Find | (Ray) |
PN.TO-TOLO | Ttoro | Crawl, creep | (Dvl) |
PN.FIA-MOHE | Hii-moe | (Be) sleepy | (Dvl) |
PN.MATE.1E | Mate | Calm down (of wind) | (Dvl) |
PN.MA-RAMA.C | Maarama te roto | Remember | (Dvl) |
CE.OE | Oe | Answer to a call Problematic | (Dvl) |
OC.FIFI.1 | Hihi | Shell meat; lips of clamshells Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dvl) |
PN.FIA-INU | Fia inu | To be thirsty | (Ths) |
PN.FIA-INU | Hiainu | To be thirsty | (Pkn) |
PN.FIA-INU | Hii-inu | (Be) thirsty | (Dvl) |
1664 entries found