Reconstruction Level: NP - Nuclear Polynesian

Reconstruction Description
AE Yes: *a(a)e
QAFA-TEA Tree (perhaps Nauclea sp.)
AFE.1B Stir, as a light body in the wind
AAFUA Form, appearance, likeness
QAFULU Fish sp., Goatfish (Mullidae)
QAGA.2 Shell
QAGO.A Thin (of person)
QAO-ATEA Late morning to early afternoon, midday *qao-(qa)tea
QAA-I-LAA-NEI Later today, soon *qaa-(i)-laa-(nei)
ALAFI To lead
ALAALA Fish sp. (Carangidae): *(q)ala(q)ala
AALISI : *(q)a(a)lisi
QANA-I-LAA-NEI Earlier today, not long ago
ANAKE Completely, only (postposed particle)
AA-NEWA Dizzy, unsteady, weak
QANU.1 Cold
AO.2 A dry or fleshless coconut
QAO.2 Authority, kingdom
QAO.3 Appropriate, suitable
APAKULA Legendary person
AAPULU Crowded; to sink (esp. of overcrowded vessel)
ASOGAA Shrub sp. (Pipturus sp.)
ATA-LIKI Son of a man (Clk)
AATI Join together as a group (of people): (`)aati
QAU-AFI.* Smoke *qa(s)u-afi
QAU-KAI Be hungry
QAU-TALA Remove spines or twigs
QAU-TALU To weed, clear land of weeds
QAAWAGA.A Spouse, married (Ebt)
AWA-AWA Small opening in reef (Rby)
EI Vocative
ENE.2 Ask for something
EE-NEI These (near speaker)
ESI Chase away, pursue: *(q)esi
EWE.2 Fish sp. (Epinephelus hexagonatus) (Hpr)
FAEKO Bad; intensifier: *fa(q)e(k)o
FAAFAA-LUA Manta ray (Manta sp.)
FAGA.2 Bay; valley (leading to the sea)
FAAGAI.A To feed, provide food for
FAGA-LOA A placename
FAGO Blow or speak through nose
FAI.4 Cat's cradle, string games
FAQI Rite, perform ritual: *fa(q)i
FAAILU.* Wipe anus
FAA-QITA.* Grimace, make faces
FAITITILI.* Thunder: *fa(a)i(ti)tili
FAKA-TAGI Play (musical instrument)
FAKA-TASI Join, together
FAKATAU Proper name, the avenger of Apakula's son: *(F,W)akatau
FAKA-TULI To act as though deaf; disobey

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