Reconstruction Level: TA - Tahitic

Reconstruction Description
PEKE.1C Quick, agile
KAUNUNU Name of a lunar month
AA-NIWA Dizzy, confused
KOO-TAFA.B Bird's nest fern (Asplenium nidus)
ORI Wander, walk about
PAA-REU Waist garment
UTU-GA Punishment, penalty, fine
FAKA-WAA Judge (n,v)
HEI Caught, entangled (like fish in a net)
KOO-UA Coconut growth stage
MAI-MOA Pet, plaything
MA-KOKI Sprained
PUPU.B Group (of people), party, team
HAFA.C Negative imperative: don't *a-i-hafa
MAA-KONA.2 Champion
TII-TOKO Prop (v); action with a pole or similar object
TUU-KAU.B Assistant, helper; subordinate chief
FAKA-MASARA Remember, call to mind
HOROGA Gift, give
FULI-FULI Discuss, turn over in the mind
huri- Element in words for 'hurricane, cyclone'
MANU.3 Canoe part
MAAORO Massage, rub, fondle
GUTU-FARE Relatives
TA-KAWE Wear something around the neck
UUTEE Type of chant or song
PUUAI Strong
WALE-GA Distracted, absorbed, unconscious
TAA-PARU Soften; coax, cajole
TAA-MOLE Make smooth or level

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