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61248 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Penrhyn NP.TE-TASI Tetahi Something
Penrhyn PN.TAU.3 Tau Line (of descent) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu TA.TIIPUU Tiipuu To split in the middle with a sharp blow
Penrhyn TA.TII-TOKO Tiitoko To walk on one's toes
Penrhyn TA.TII-TOKO Titoko Drive method of fishing, fish being driven into a confined space and scooped up with hand nets Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian TA.TII-TOKO Tiitoʔo Étai pour ouvrir et maintenir ouvert un auvent; ouvrir un auvent à l'aide d'un étai; border une voile; étendre le bras, la jambe
New Zealand Maori TA.TII-TOKO Tiitoko Pole used to stretch or extend anything: spreader, sprit (of a sail) etc.; stretch, extend with a pole or anything rigid; keep off or away; propel with a pole
Penrhyn PN.TOO.3 To To decline (strength)
Penrhyn TA.TUU-KAU.B Tuukau Helper, assistant, deputy
Mangaia TA.TUU-KAU.B Tuukau Help somebody to walk by supporting from side
Tahitian TA.TUU-KAU.B Tuuʔau Chef, intendant
Tuamotu TA.TUU-KAU.B Tuukau A social overlord, predominant chief...; a steward, mate; the housekeeper of an *ariki*
Penrhyn NP.TUGA-TUGA Ika tungatunga Pieces of cooked fish
Penrhyn OC.LAKI Tuu/raki puu Southwest wind
Penrhyn OC.LAKI Turakipu Northwest
Penrhyn NP.TULU-TULU.1 Na turuturu matua The large villages Uncertain Semantic Connection
Penrhyn PN.WALE.1 Vare/vare Slimy substance; flesh of coconut which is still soft
Penrhyn NP.EWE.2 V/eve K. grouper, Honeycomb Seabass (Epinephelus hexagonatus)
Penrhyn OC.WILI.1A Vi/aha To wring coconut milk with beaten coconut husk by the short quick twists Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn TA.HAFA.C Ei aha Negative imperative: Don't
Rarotongan TA.HAFA.C ʔEiaʔa Don't (weaker than *auraka, and often cautionary rather than imperative)
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.FAKA-RAU Akarau To make more, to multiply Borrowed
New Zealand Maori PN.FAKA-RAU Whakarau To multiply
Tahitian PN.FAKA-RAU Faʔarau Centupler, multiplier
Mangareva PN.FAKA-RAU ʔAkarau Engraisser, choyer ses enfants... Uncertain Semantic Connection
Hawaiian PN.FAKA-RAU Hoʔolau To make numerous; to assemble, as of numerous persons or animals; numerous
Tahitian PN.KAU.2B Au- Placé devant certains noms pour indiquer une collectivité (autahu'a, aufenua...)
Rarotongan CK.AU.2 Au Several, many (usually translatable by English plural)
Manihiki-Rakahanga OC.QEPA Epa To exhalt [sic], to uphold, to offer up
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.AA.2 E Conjunction: and (additive/cumulative)
Mangaia CK.AU.2 Au Particle marking non-singularity or plurality
Manihiki-Rakahanga TA.FAKA-MASARA Whakamaahara/hara To cogitate, consider, think over; to call to remembrance
Penrhyn TA.FAKA-MASARA Hakamahara, akamahara To memorize
Penrhyn TA.FAKA-MASARA Hakamahara/hanga Memory, memorial, recollection
Rarotongan TA.FAKA-MASARA ʔAkamaʔara Remind, jog someone's memory, remember
Rarotongan TA.FAKA-MASARA ʔAkamaaʔara/ʔara Remember, reminisce
New Zealand Maori TA.FAKA-MASARA Whakamahara Remind
Tuamotu TA.FAKA-MASARA Hakamahara To consider/ponder the words of call to memory...
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.FAKA-TURI Fakaturi Love appointment
New Zealand Maori CE.FAKA-TURI Whakaturi Love token, keepsake
Tuamotu CE.FAKA-TURI Fakaturi To fornicate, commit adultery (ANA)
Penrhyn CE.FAKA-RUKU Hakaruku To dive for fish (with a hook and line in the hand)
Tahitian CE.FAKA-RUKU Faʔaruʔu Pratiquer un certain mode de pêche
Mangareva CE.FAKA-RUKU ʔAkaruku Prendre avec un filet de petits poissons en bande; faire cacher les pissons dans les madrépores; faire plonger Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian FJ.SAU.2 Hau/hau To take off the first chips in hollowing a tree
Manihiki-Rakahanga CK.HIIKOKE Hiikoke Narrow
Manihiki-Rakahanga CK.HIIKOKE Ikoke Thin (person)
Penrhyn CK.HIIKOKE Hiikoke To be skinny
Rarotongan CK.HIIKOKE ʔIikoke Thin (of people and animals), gaunt, skinny, lean
New Zealand Maori CK.HIIKOKE Hiikoko Wasted, starved Phonologically Irregular