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61267 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rarotongan TA.WALE-GA Varenga Engrossed, beguiled, distracted, absorbed; become familiar, tame, lose shyness
Mangaia TA.WALE-GA Varenga Unconscious, accustomed, absorbed; forget an important thing, having been engrossed in a less important thing
Tahitian TA.WALE-GA Vareʔa Envie de dormir, sommeil; être endormi
Tuamotu TA.WALE-GA Vareeŋa Forgetfulness; unconscious
Tuamotu TA.WALE-GA Vareeŋa i te piko To fall asleep
Rarotongan CE.WAE Vae Rib of boat
Tahitian CE.WAE Vae The timbers of a boat or ship; the small rafters of a *fareoa*, or little house, made with the top like the cover of a wagon
New Zealand Maori CE.WAE Wae Slabs at the front end of the side walls of a *whare*, supporting the ends of the *maihi*
Tuamotu CE.WAE Vae The rib of a boat (VTU, ANA)
Mangareva CE.WAE Vae Banc des rameurs; membre d'équipage (pirogue)
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.TAA-WAI Tavai Wet
Penrhyn CE.TAA-WAI Taavai-a, -hia Add water, dilute; mix, blend
Rarotongan CE.TAA-WAI Taavai-a, -ʔia Add liquid to something
Mangaia CE.TAA-WAI Taavai-a Add water to, pour water, conduct water into, flood
Tahitian CE.TAA-WAI Taavai Utiliser de l'eau; aiguiser; oindre le corps de *mono'i*, hydrater (peau)
Tuamotu CE.TAA-WAI Taavai To wet, moisten
Marquesas CE.TAA-WAI Tavai Nettoyer, dérouiller, fourbir, faire briller Uncertain Semantic Connection
Hawaiian CE.TAA-WAI Kaawai Last liquor run off in distillation...; extremely weak and watery liquor
New Zealand Maori CE.TAA-WAI Taawai Steep in vegetable dye
Manihiki-Rakahanga TA.TAPE.1 Tau/tape Small rectangular apron of plaited material
Rarotongan CK.TAU-MAAROO Taumaaroo Argue, debate; argument, dispute
New Zealand Maori CK.TAU-MAAROO Taumaaroo Obstinate
Mangaia CK.TAU-MAAROO Tau maaroo Argue, dispute, debate (esp. in school)
Manihiki-Rakahanga TA.TAA-PARU Taaparu Bargain with
Niue PN.FAKA-TAFA Fakatafa To be inclined towards; to be apt to
Mangareva PN.TAPA.1B Tapa Bords d'étoffe, de vêtements. The edge of a piece of native cloth (Tgr).
Nuguria PN.TAPA.1B Tapa Piece of cloth
Takuu PN.TAPA.1B Tapa Lower hem of a laplap while worn; small piece of cloth
Samoan PN.TAPA.1B Tapa One of the white borders of a *siapo*
Mangareva PN.TAPA.1B Tapa/kaʔu Pièce d'étoffe.
East Futuna PN.TAPA.1B Tapa Chutes de tissu, natte ou *siapo*
East Uvea NP.TAFA-TAI Tafa ga/tai Du côté de la mer
Kapingamarangi NP.TAFA-TAI Daha i dai Perimeter of an islet (just west of northern and southern perimeter) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Kapingamarangi NP.TAFA-TAI Daha ngaa/dai Perimeter of an islet (short distance in a westerly direction) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan PN.TAPA.1B Taba Border of unprinted cloth
Ifira-Mele NP.TAFA-TAI Tafa tʔtai Sea shore
Samoan NP.TAPA-TAI Tapatai Seaward
Mangaia NP.TAPA-TAI Tapa/a/tai The high tide line
Manihiki-Rakahanga NP.TAPA-TAI Tapa/a/tai Beach
Marquesas NP.TAPA-TAI Tapa/tai Qui habite près du rivage de la mer
Rarotongan NP.TAPA-TAI Tapa/a-tai Water edge, tidemark, beach
New Zealand Maori NP.TAPA-TAI Tapaatai Seashore
Mangaia TA.TAA-PARU Taaparu Soften; coax, mollify, bribe
Tahitian TA.TAA-PARU Taaparu Flatter...mendier; flatteur; flatterie, insinuation persuasive
Tuamotu TA.TAA-PARU Taaparu To beg, ask for (as food, a favor), to solicit
Rarotongan PN.TAKA.1B Taka/ʔua Left one one's own, esp. of a widower; someone left alone through bereavement, etc.
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.MAQAGA Mainga Food Phonologically Irregular
Tahitian NP.FAQI Hai/a. Haai/ʔa (Aca). A prayer for a person poisoned with fish. Prière pour une personne empoisonnée par le poisson (Aca).
Easter Island EP.MEQA.C Meʔe/rahi Much, many
Easter Island EP.MEQA.C Meʔe hanohano Son asquerosas [are disgusting]