Protoform: TAPE.1 [TA] Part, bit

Description: Part, bit
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to TA: Tahitic

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Manihiki-Rakahanga Tau/tape Small rectangular apron of plaited material (Bck)
Pukapuka Pulu tau/tape Menstrual pad (Bge)
Rarotongan Tape A piece, portion, bit (Sve)
Tahitian Tape A fragment, as of cloth; a piece less than a fathom in measuring (Dvs)
Tuamotu Tape Side, part, portion of one side; border, edge of a garment (Stn)
West Futuna Tape Sinai Navel Problematic (Dty)

6 entries found

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