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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas OC.NOFO Noho Sit, dwell, stay. S'asseoir; demeurer, rester, habiter, cohabiter, se marier (Lch). Rester, exister; stay, remain, exist (Atl).
Mangareva OC.NOFO Noʔo Rester, demeurer, résider. S'asseoir (Atl). Rester, exister; stay, remain, exist (Atl).
Sikaiana OC.NOFO Noho Sit, be seated; inhabit, stay at, dwell, remain; be alive
Tahitian OC.NOFO Noho Demeurer, rester. To sit, abide, dwell (Dvs).
Takuu OC.NOFO Nofo Sit, dwell, be situated
West Uvea OC.NOFO (H)noo-ia Rester, demeurer, être assis (sur)
East Futuna PN.NOFO-A Nofoa Planches qui servent de sièges pour toutes sortes d'embarcations
Easter Island MP.NOFU Nohu Scorpionfishes (Scorpaena orgila, Sebastopistes pascuensis)
West Futuna MP.NOFU Nofu Scorpion fish. (Sebastapistes sp.) (Rve).
Tongan PN.NOGA Nonga Calm, still, tranquil, contented
Easter Island EP.NOQI.* No/noʔi Petition, request; to ask, beg, implore, pray, solicit, supplicate
New Zealand Maori EP.NOQI.* No/noi Urgent, insistent
Marquesas EP.NOQI.* (No)noʔí (MQS, Ua Pou) Demander, solliciter, mendier. Pétitionner (Lch). Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas CE.NOKE.* Noke (MQN), noʔe (MQS). Noke(noke) (MQN) (Atl). Achée. Ver de terre. Petits vermisseaux qu'on trouve dans l'eau; se traîner (Lch). Ascaris, threadworm (Ua Pou) (Atl).
Samoan FJ.NOKO.1A Noʔo Hip, posterior (Poetic) , hips
New Zealand Maori TA.NOKO.1B Noko Stern of canoe
Rarotongan TA.NOKO.1B Noko Stern, stern decking of a canoe
Tahitian TA.NOKO.1B Noʔo The stern of a canoe
Rennellese SO.NOKO.2 Noko Past tense marker; continuative aspect marker
Sikaiana SO.NOKO.2 Kona Tense-aspect, past progressive, to have been doing Problematic
Hawaiian CE.NONE None/aa Distaste for food that one has had too much of; surfeit
New Zealand Maori CE.NONE None Consume, waste
Tahitian CE.NONE None/none Abundant, plenteous
Marquesas FJ.NONI.1 Noni Espèce d'arbuste; son fruit. Arbuste, son fruit est d'usage médicinal, de la famille des rubiacées (Lch). Pomme-chien, Indian mulberry (Morinda citrifolia) (Atl).
New Zealand Maori CE.NONO.2* Nono/kia A shrub (Pomaderris apatela) Problematic
Marquesas CE.NONO.2* Nono Espece de plante odoriferante
Rennellese MP.NONO.1 Nono Kind of small fly as on rotten bananas
Samoan MP.NONO.1 Nono Name of a white ant when, being winged, it swarms
West Uvea OC.NONU Nonu Arbre à teinture (Morinda citrifolia)
Tongan AN.QANUFE ʔUnufe Caterpillar
Tikopia AN.QANUFE Unuufe Caterpillar
Moriori NP.NUI.1 Nui ake Greater
Rarotongan CE.NUKA.2 Nuka Terrace, ledge
Tahitian FJ.NUKA-NUKA Nuanua (Decaspermum fruticosum). The name of a tree of hard texture (Dvs).
Kwaio FJ.NUKU.1 Nuʔu Margins of sand, area of strand immediately above beach
Tahitian EC.NUKU.2 Nuu A fleet of canoes; an army or host passing by land or water
Tokelau PN.QO O/i Verbal particule. A conjunction (sic) that one action follows another in sequence. And, and then . Introduces independent clauses in narrative where it indicates sequential (ofte consequential) action. When oi introduces subject complements there is frequently an implication of fulfilment of the situation of the clause
Tongan PN.QO ʔO Conjunction, and or untranslateable
New Zealand Maori PN.OO.1 O/ia Caesioperca lepidoptera, butterfly perch
Tikopia PN.OO.1 Oo (1) Spotted rabbitfish (Siganus sp.); (2) tiny reef fish (prob. anchovy) taken in quantity in net
Easter Island PN.OO.2 ʔOo Contestar diciendo "o"
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.OO.2 Oo Oi (interjection indicating pleasant surprise or something quite unexpected) Problematic
Tahitian PN.OO.2 ʔOo Réponse à un appel: entendu! oui! présent! c’est moi! comment?
Tongan PN.OO.2 Oo A familiar substitute for ko au in responding to a call
Easter Island PN.OQO Oʔo Enter. Enter, insert (of e.g. a person entering a house through a window to steal or violate) (Wbr).
East Futuna PN.OQO O Pouvoir etre contenu, pouvoir entrer
East Futuna PN.OQO Oo Avoir une place; entrer (dans un vêtement) Phonologically Irregular
Tongan PN.OQO Oʔo Reach or penetrate to
East Futuna PN.OQA ʔOa .:Le plus haute rang des planches d'une pirogue, d'une baleinière
West Uvea PN.OQA Ooa Planche; planche des cotes d'une pirogue [Heo Dialect]; caisse [Muli Dialect]