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7404 Results matching "aa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Mangaia CK.TAU-MAAROO Tau maaroo Argue, dispute, debate (esp. in school)
Manihiki-Rakahanga TA.TAA-PARU Taaparu/paru Ask
Manihiki-Rakahanga TA.TAA-PARU Taaparu Bargain with
Kapingamarangi NP.TAFA-TAI Daha ngaa/dai Perimeter of an islet (short distance in a westerly direction) Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori NP.TAPA-TAI Tapaatai Seashore
Mangaia TA.TAA-PARU Taaparu Soften; coax, mollify, bribe
Tahitian TA.TAA-PARU Taaparu Flatter...mendier; flatteur; flatterie, insinuation persuasive
Tuamotu TA.TAA-PARU Taaparu To beg, ask for (as food, a favor), to solicit
Tahitian NP.FAQI Hai/a. Haai/ʔa (Aca). A prayer for a person poisoned with fish. Prière pour une personne empoisonnée par le poisson (Aca).
Penrhyn TA.TAA-MOLE Taamore Finishing end of pandanus works such as hats, baskets and mats; edge of hat brim
Tahitian TA.TAA-MOLE Taamore/more Niveler, polir, égaliser
New Zealand Maori TA.TAA-MOLE Taamore Bare, bald
New Zealand Maori TA.TAA-MOLE Taamore/more Bald, bare, freed from obstructions or encumbrances; clear expanse
Tuamotu TA.TAA-MOLE Taamore/more To make smooth, to level, equalize
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.MANATAA Mana/manataa Problem
Rarotongan CE.MANATAA Taa/manataa Annoy, irritate
Mangaia CE.MANATAA Manataa Busy, troubled, worried
Manihiki-Rakahanga CK.HAAKARA Aakara/kara Observe Borrowed
Rarotongan CK.HAAKARA ʔAakara Look at, observe, stare at
Mangaia CK.HAAKARA ʔAakara Look at
Penrhyn CK.HAAKARA Haakara To see, look carefully at
Manihiki-Rakahanga CK.PAA-KIRI Paakiri Skin
Penrhyn CK.PAA-KIRI Paakiri Skin of living animals
Rarotongan CK.PAA-KIRI Paakiri Skin, hide (of people, animals); peel, rind; bark; cover (of book)
Mangaia CK.PAA-KIRI Paakiri Skin (still on living body); bark; shell (of egg)...
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.PAAPUU Paapuu (i) Convinced
Mangaia CE.PAAPUU Paapuu Certain, sure
Rarotongan PN.GOSE Ngoʔe/ngoʔe/aa Weak, unthrifty, without vigour (of the growth of plants); apathetic, dispirited, slack
East Futuna OC.GASE-GASE Gaase/a Faible, mou
Mangareva PN.GAHE-GAHE To/gaaegaae Diminuer beaucoup, perdre beaucoup de sa force (en parlant du vent)
Tahitian CE.PAE.1B Raa/pae Locatif: dehors
Samoan PN.TAU-.14 Taau/tolu Three hanging together, as a cluster of three oranges, or three wives, etc.
Tahitian PN.TAU-.14 Tau/haa Un paquet de quatre noix de cocos; les quatre étoiles de la Croix du Sud
Takuu PN.TAU-.14 Tau/haa Constellation: Four stars in Pegasus, outlining a square...
Anuta PN.TUQA-A-MATA Tuaamata Eyebrow, eyelid
Samoan PN.TUQA-A-MATA Tuaamata Eyelid. Eyebrow (Mnr). Upper eyelid (McP).
East Futuna PN.TUQA-A-MATA Tuʔaa mata Arcade sourcilière
Tokelau PN.TUQA-A-MATA Tuaamata [= tukemata] Eyebrow
Rennellese PN.TUQA-A-MATA Tuʔaa mata Eyebrow, eyelid
Samoan NP.TAA.1E Taa To wash clothes by beating
Tokelau NP.TAA.1E Taa Wash (of clothes etc.)
Nukuoro NP.TAA.1E Daa To wash clothes
Rarotongan NP.TAA.1E Ta/taa Wash clothes (often by beating or pounding); washed
Rennellese NP.TAA.1E Taa/taa To rinse, as bottle or cup
Kapingamarangi OC.TAQO.2A Taa. ThA (Ebt). To submerge under the water; to remain in water for a period of time. Set a fish trap (Ebt).
Samoan PN.FAI-QAHAWANA Faiaavaa Marry (said of a man only); (man) living with his wife's kin
Takuu PN.FAI-QAHAWANA Haiaavana Related as spouses
Sikaiana PN.FAI-QAHAWANA Hai aavana To have sexual intercourse (polite form)
Nuguria PN.FAI-QAHAWANA Hai-aavana Married couple
Tahitian NP.GAA-IPU ʔAaipu Coque de coco, coupe faite avec la noix de coco