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61298 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tuamotu MP.QAROFA.A Aroha Love, pity, compassion
West Futuna MP.QAROFA.A Arofa (WFU), alofa (ANI) Sorrow, pity, compassion, love; present, gift; gesture of kindness or sympathy; paint for rubbing on persons so that their enemies may not kill them
East Futuna PN.QAROFA.B Alofa Salut, bonjour, bonsoir
Hawaiian PN.QAROFA.B Aloha Greetings, hello, goodbye
Kapingamarangi PN.QAROFA.B Haka/aloho Greeting
Marquesas PN.QAROFA.B Kaʔoha, (ʔ)aʔoha. Ka/aʔoha (Mtu). Salut, bonjour, adieu; saluer. Salutation marquisien lors d'une rencontre, expression de l'amitié, de l'affection, de la bienveillance (Lch). Greetings.
Nuguria PN.QAROFA.B Te arofa Gruss, Nasenreiben
Niue PN.QAROFA.B Faka/alofa Greetings Phonologically Irregular
Luangiua PN.QAROFA.B Aloha/i Farewell
Samoan PN.QAROFA.B Ta/alofa Form of general greeting
Tokelau PN.QAROFA.B Alofa/aga Greetings, salutations
Tongan PN.QAROFA.B Siʔoto ʔofa atu General greeting...
West Uvea PN.QAROFA.B Ita/lofa Bon jour!
East Futuna SO.QALOFI ʔAlofi Name of island with sandy beaches screening Futuna from the trade-winds
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.QALOFI Alohi Sea inside the reef, leeward
Takuu SO.QALOFI Arofi Sandy area of beach
Tikopia SO.QALOFI Arofi Flat area, expanse, lowland
Niue XO.QEFA Efi Enormous Problematic
Luangiua PN.QARO-FI-LIMA Alohi-lima Palm (of hand)
Tikopia PN.QARO-FI-LIMA Arofi rima Palm of hand
West Uvea PN.QARO-FI-LIMA Alofi lima Paume/creux de la main
East Futuna PN.QARO-FI-WAQE Alofi vaʔe Plante du pied
East Uvea PN.QARO-FI-WAQE ʔAlofi-ʔi-vaʔe Sole of foot
Emae PN.QARO-FI-WAQE Rofi-vae Sole of foot
Nukuoro PN.QARO-FI-WAQE Alohi vae Sole of foot
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QARO-FI-WAQE Alohi/vae Sole (of foot)
Samoan PN.QARO-FI-WAQE Alofivae Sole of foot
Tikopia PN.QARO-FI-WAQE Arofi vae Sole of foot
Tongan PN.QARO-FI-WAQE ʔAofi vaʔe Sole of foot
East Futuna MP.QALOGO ʔAlogo Surgeonfish sp.
East Futuna MP.QALOGO Alogo Poisson Chirurgien zebré (Acanthurus lineatus)
East Uvea MP.QALOGO ʔAlogo Fish sp. (Acanthurus lineatus)
Luangiua MP.QALOGO Oloŋo Bristle tail surgeon fish Phonologically Irregular
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.QALOGO Alongo Surgeonfish
Rennellese MP.QALOGO ʔAgongo Zebra Surgeonfish (Acanthurus lineatus)
Samoan MP.QALOGO Alogo Zebra Surgeonfish (Acanthurus lineatus)
Tikopia MP.QALOGO Arongo Zebra Surgeonfish (Acanthurus lineatus)
Tokelau MP.QALOGO Alogo Surgeonfish sp. (Ctenochaetus striatus)
Tongan MP.QALOGO ʔAlongo Zebra Surgeonfish (Acanthurus lineatus)
Tongan MP.QALOGO Alongo A fish
East Futuna PN.QALO-POQOU ʔAlopoʔou Woman pregnant for first time
East Uvea PN.QALO-POQOU ʔAlopoʔou Le premier accouchement
New Zealand Maori PN.QALO-POQOU Rapou Woman pregnant for first time
Marquesas PN.QALO-POQOU Aʔapou (MQN), ʔopou (MQS) Femme qui concoit pour la premiere fois
Mangareva PN.QALO-POQOU Rapaʔou First pregnancy. Etre en couches pour la première fois; être le premier-né
Rennellese PN.QALO-POQOU ʔAgopoʔou Firstborn, firstfruit
Tikopia PN.QALO-POQOU Aropou Rite for the first pregnancy of a married woman
Tongan PN.QALO-POQOU Olopoʔou First child (of woman), primaparae
West Futuna PN.QALO-POQOU Rapou Woman pregnant for first time and near birth
Rarotongan LO.AAROTE ʔAarote Plough, cultivate