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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
East Futuna PN.NUNU Nu/ʔaga Nom de la cérémonie de filtrage du curcuma
East Futuna PN.NUNU Nunu Extraire; filtrer (farine du manioc) avec de l'eau à travers un linge; tamiser (pour enlever les charençons, ou pour rendre fin)
Tokelau PN.NUNU Nunu Work with hands in water, knead (of making edible starch from grated arrowroot)
East Uvea XW.NUTI Nusi, nunusi, nusinusi Frotter, broyer entre ses mains, écraser entre les doigts; saupoudrer, semer
East Uvea XW.NUTI Nuki(nuki) Frotter entre ses doigts, broyer avec les mains Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna XW.NUTI Nuki Frotter à la main (linge); frotter avec de la bourre de coco le coco râpé pour le rendre plus fin et plus juteux Phonologically Irregular
Tokelau XW.NUTI Nuti Crush, smash, break; (of heart) be broken; hand-wash (clothes)
Tongan XW.PAGO.2 Pango (of persons) Vulgar, ill-mannered, offensive in speech or behaviour; (of things) regrettable, unfortunate, annoying
Samoan XW.PAGO.2 Pago To forbid things being given away in hopes of getting them for oneself; to make trading difficult by suggestions made to the trader by a third party; to interfere with trade so as to injure
Niue PN.QUTI.1 Pag/uti To make a light crackling sound [when eaten]
Niue OC.PALA.2 Pala/tava Coastal fern spp. (Phymatodes nigrescens, Acrostichum aureum)
Tongan PN.PAQA-PAQA Paʔapaʔa K. food made of bananas and coconut cream
East Futuna PN.PAQA-PAQA Paʔapaʔa Mets futunien à base de bananes, manioc, taros râpés ou de farine, cuit au four
East Futuna PN.PIKO.C Piiko/i Trahir; faire du tort; faire du mal
Niue OC.FITA.1 Pita Put together, make up. Problematic
Tongan AN.KOSI Kohii To make a scratching noise
Niue PN.PAKUU.A Pokuu, pohuu, tokuu To make a thudding sound or noise Phonologically Irregular
Tongan PN.POLO.2 Polo/ʔi To mark, put a distinguishing mark on; to betroth, promise in marriage
East Uvea PN.POLO.2 Polo Barbouillage, marque sur le visage; être promis en mariage
East Uvea PN.POLO.2 Polo/ʔi Marquer avec de la couleur ou avec un outil; toucher avec un caillou
East Futuna PN.POLO.2 Polo Se faire des taches de curcuma ou de charbon sur le visage; marque que l'on fait sur un bois pour indiquer ou doit se faire la coupe
Easter Island PN.POLO.2 Poro/poro Sin filo, por causa de tener varias muescas [blunt due to too many notches]
East Futuna PN.POLO-POLO Polopolo Offrir en hommage; faire les prémices; prémices des récoltes
Tongan XW.PUE-KI Pueki Small shellfish sp. (much used for ornamental purposes)
Tuvalu PN.MANAWA-SEE Manavase To worry, be concerned
Tuvalu XW.SOSONI Ssoni Small container used to draw water from a well
Tuvalu XW.MAASIMA Maasima Salt
Tuvalu XW.MAASIMA Maasima Salt (SAM?)
Tuvalu PN.MAAQI-MOA Maimoa To observe, to take the part of a spectator
Tuvalu PN.MA-ISI Maisi To be split
Tuvalu AN.MA-QANU Maanu To swim; pumice stone
Tuvalu XW.MA-TUKU Matuku To decline, be put down, decrease
Tuvalu XW.MA-TUKU Matuku Become less (of a liquid in a vessel); begin to ebb (of the tide)
Tuvalu PN.MAQU-KOLOA Maukoloa To be wealthy, rich
Tuvalu PN.LAKU.3 Laku mai, laku atu Gather, scatter
Tuvalu PN.LAU.2A L/lau Magic spell, magical chant, incantation
Tuvalu XW.NUTI Nuti/nuti Prepare a banana leaf for wreath-making by rubbing between hands until soft; rub and squeeze clothes under water
Tuvalu XW.NUTI Nuti momomo To break into small pieces, smash up, squeeze into small fragments
Niue XW.PUE-KI Pue Small shellfish sp.
East Futuna XW.PUE-KI Pueki Petit coquillage blanc ou marron/noir servant à faire des colliers (Mitridé)
Anuta TO.PUA-LIKI Puariki "Wild betel nut", a type of areca palm bearing only a very small fruit Problematic
Tongan TO.PUA-LIKI Pualiki Tree sp., somewhat like the pua [Fagraea] but bearing smaller flowers
Niue PN.SANA.2 Saga/saga Job's Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi) Phonologically Irregular
Niue FJ.TALI.4 Tali To carry (implies carrying loads such as water, making a number of trips)
East Uvea PN.TAU.11 Tau Cueillir, ramasser à la main (en parlant de fleurs et de certains fruits)
East Futuna PN.TAU.11 Tau Cueillir (mangue, papaya, orange, ananas)
Tongan PN.TAU-WALO Tauvalo/valo To shout out and make remarks in surprise or wonder
East Futuna PN.TAU-WALO Tauvalo Choisir sa nourriture (postverbe): E kau kai tauvalo. Je mange ce qui me plait. Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nukuoro PN.TAU-WALO Daavalo Make a great deal of noise (vocal)
Tongan TO.TEGA-MAE Tengamae K. shellfish