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153 Results matching "moko" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
East Uvea PN.MOKOPUNA Mokopuna Petits-enfants...
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.MOKO.4 Moko/moko puapua Smallest stage of coconut
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.MOKOPUNA Moko(puna) Grandchild
Waya FJ.MOKO.1A Moko Animal taxon: Small lizards (skinks and geckos)
Rapa EP.FINA.2 Mokopuna ina Great grandson
Nuguria CE.MOKO.4 Moko New shoot of coconut Problematic
Nuguria OC.PILI.2 Moko piri Lizard sp.: Brown gecko
Nuguria PN.MOKOPUNA Mokopuna (Great-)grandchild
West Uvea CE.MOKO.4 Moko Tige, vrille; pousser des feuilles [Heo Dialect] Problematic
West Uvea CE.MOKO.4 Moko/i/ufi Jeune pousse d'igname Problematic
Nukumanu PN.MOKOPUNA Mokopuna Descendant
Manihiki-Rakahanga TA.MOKORAA Ramoko Wild duck species Phonologically Irregular
Rapa TA.MOKORAA Mokoraa Duck
Nuguria FJ.MOKO.1A Moko piri Kind of lizard (brown gecko) Borrowed
Tongan PN.MOKO.3 Moko/sia To be cold (subjectively), feel cold, be affected by the cold
Tongan PN.MOKO.3 Mo/moko Cold, bleak; a consumption, or wasting away
Tokelau PN.MOTO.2B Mokomoko Drinking coconut (the stage at which the thin soft layer of kernel has just started forming) Phonologically Irregular
Takuu PN.MOTO.2B Aa/moko Early stage of coconut growth: small, some elongated, with no liquid inside Phonologically Irregular
Niue CP.MOKO.2 Fulu/moko/i Agreeable
Niue PN.MOKOPUNA Moko Child (term of endearment...)
Tongan PN.MOKO.1B Moko/hula Earwig
Tongan PN.MOKO.1B Moko/moko/tuʔaniu Mantis
Tongan PN.MOKO.1B Moko/tola Shellfish sp.
Tongan PN.MOKO.1B Moko/hunu Sea-slug sp.
Niue PN.MOKO.1B Moko elo Stink beetle
East Uvea PN.MOKO.1B Moko/hula Perce-oreille
Mangareva PN.MOKO.1B Moko/moko/rangi Sorte de petit ver long de 10-15 cm et de la grosseur d'un fil
Tuamotu PN.MOKO.1B Moko/tara A variety of pearl shell with a narrow rainbow-like band just inside the lip
New Zealand Maori PN.MOKO.1B Moko-taawhana Caterpillar
New Zealand Maori PN.MOKO.1B Moko-taa A sort of death-watch [beetle], said to live in the thatch of houses...
New Zealand Maori PN.MOKO.1B Moko/roa A large white grub, probably the larva of Prionoplus reticularis...; Cordiceps robertsii, "vegetable caterpillar"
Mangaia PN.MOKO.1B Moko Caterpillar, butterfly larva
East Uvea NP.MOKO.1C Moko/tai Nom de poisson (Malacanthus latovittatus)
West Futuna NP.MOKO.1C Moko/xma A species of fish
Marquesas NP.MOKO.1C Moko Esp. de requin
Marquesas NP.MOKO.1C Moko/ʔo Esp. de petit poisson
Marquesas NP.MOKO.1C Moko/pi Esp. de petit poisson
Marquesas NP.MOKO.1C Moko/tai Esp. de poisson
New Zealand Maori NP.MOKO.1C Moko/whiti, moko/hiti Fish sp.: herring (Agonostomus forsteri)
Rarotongan NP.MOKO.1C Moko Lizard fish (Synodontidae) and possibly some gobies (Gobiidae)
Rarotongan PN.HUI-TUQA Ivi mokotua Backbone, the necessary basis of anything Problematic
Marquesas CP.MOKO.2 Kai/moko Mendier, mendiant
Anuta OC.PILI.2 Mokopiri A type of lizard a little bigger than the *piripata*, but smaller than the *moko uri*
Tuamotu TA.MA-KOKI Makoki (ROI), mokoki (MKM) To be sprained
Mangareva FJ.MOKO.1A Moko Petit lézard
Mangareva CP.MOKO.2 Mokoi Essayer de nouveau; reprendre une tâche
Mangareva CE.MOKO.4 Moko/rei Fleur mâle du pandanus Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niuafo'ou PN.MOKO.3 Mo/moko Cold
Niuafo'ou FJ.MOKO.1A Moko Lizard
Tuvalu FJ.MOKO.1A Moko Gecko