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4899 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Kwara'ae EO.MILO.1 Milo Tree (Thespesia populnea)
Marquesas EO.MILO.1 Miʔo Bois de rose d'Océanie, très apprécié des sculpteurs, arbre de la famille des malvacées (Lch). (Thespesia populnea) (Atl).
Marquesas EO.MILO.1 Méyo A tree, Thespesia populnea, Parkinson
Mangareva EO.MILO.1 Miro Arbre, bois de rose d'Océanie (Thespesia populnea) (Rhamnacées)
Niue EO.MILO.1 Milo Tree sp., (Thespesia populnea)
Nukuoro EO.MILO.1 Milo (Thespesia populnea)
Rarotongan EO.MILO.1 Miro An indigenous, medium-sized tree (Thespesia populnea)
Samoan EO.MILO.1 Milo (Thespesia sp)
Tahitian EO.MILO.1 Miro Bois de rose (Thespesia populnea)
Takuu EO.MILO.1 Milo Tree sp. with spreading canopy (Thespesia populnea)
Tikopia EO.MILO.1 Miro Tree (Thespesia populnea)
Tongan EO.MILO.1 Milo A tree (Thespesia populnea)
Tuamotu EO.MILO.1 Miro (Thespesia populnea)
West Uvea EO.MILO.1 Milo Arbre: bois de rose (Thespesia populnea)...
Tokelau PN.MILO.2A Milo/hia Twisted, sprained
Tikopia MP.MIMI Mimi Female genitalia
East Futuna OC.MITI.2 Miti Polynesian Starling
East Uvea OC.MITI.2 Misi Polynesian Starling
Niue OC.MITI.2 Miti Polynesian Starling (Aplonis brunnescens)
Tikopia OC.MITI.2 Miti Polynesian Starling (Aplonis tabuensistucopiae)
Emae OC.MITI.3A Miti/kia Suck through tube or a small hole
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.MITI.3A Mi/msi/kia To taste
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.MITI.3A Mikihia Slurp, lap Phonologically Irregular
Tahitian NP.MOA.4B Moa A whirligig made of the amae [Thespesia] seed
Kapingamarangi SO.MOA.5 Dagi/moo Labia majora
New Zealand Maori CK.MOARI Moari Swing, giant stride
Easter Island OC.MOA-MOA Momo tara Cowfishes (Lactoria spp.)
Tahitian OC.MOA-MOA Moomoa tara Poisson vache (Lactoria cornuta)
Tikopia PN.MOANA Moana Sea, especially deep sea; ocean
Tokelau PN.MOANA Moana Deep sea (especially outside the lagoon
Sikaiana PN.MOHE-GA Moena Bedding material; group of flying fish
Tupuaki EP.MAIKA Meia Musa var.
Rapa EP.MAIKA Meia hamoa, meia papaa Introduced varieties of banana Borrowed
Mangareva EP.MAIKA Meika Banana. Banane (Musa paradisiaca) (Musacées)
Marquesas CP.MOKO.2 E kai moko (Ua Pou) Mendier, mendiant
Nukuoro CP.MOKO.2 Haga/mogo/mogo Take special care of, cherish
Rarotongan CP.MOKO.2 Mo/moko Espouse, betroth, give in marriage; to marry
Niue PN.MOKO.3 Moko/mia Affected by cold
New Zealand Maori CE.MOKO.4 Moko Facial or body tattoo (perhaps from resemblance of curvilinear patterns to unfolding fronds) Problematic
Tikopia CE.MOKO.4 Moko Outer covering, especially of bark, skin Problematic
Niue ??.MOKO-FULUFULU Moko-fulufulu The guardian of fire who lived in the first heaven (Loeb 1926:219)
Tahitian CE.MOREFU.1 Morehu/rehu Dark, not well-heated, applied to the stones in a Tahitian oven
East Uvea MP.MOO-MONA Momona Fat (especially of sea-food)
West Uvea MP.MOO-MONA Mumuna (Viande de roussette ou chair de poisson) graisseux Phonologically Irregular
Niue PN.MOSE-MOSE Mohemohe Plant sp. (Lycopodium phlegmaria)
Tongan PN.MOSE-MOSE Mohemohe A tree (Leucaena insularum). Tree spp. (Serianthus melanesica, Samania saman (Niuatoputapu)) (Whr).
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.MOKO.4 Moko/moko Butt end of coconut; parenchymatous material
Hawaiian PN.MOSO.1A Moho Hawaiian rail, (Pennula ecaddata)
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.MOKO.4 Moko/moko Butt end of coconut; parenchymatous material
New Zealand Maori PN.MOSO.1A Moho-wao Bush-man, barbarian