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1056 Results matching "mai" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Hawaiian PN.MAILE Maile Twining shrub, (Alyxia olivaeformis)
Emae PN.MAILE Maire Shrub sp. with fragrant leaves
New Zealand Maori PN.MAILE Maire (Olea spp.)
New Zealand Maori PN.MAILE Maire/hau A fragrant shrub (Phebalium nudum)
Ifira-Mele PN.MAILE Maire Plant used for garlands
Mangareva PN.MAILE Maire Shrub sp
Niue PN.MAILE Maile Shrub sp. (Alyxia stellata) fragrant leaves used for making lei and scenting oil
Nukuoro PN.MAILE Maile Plant sp., (Polypodium scolopendria)
Luangiua PN.MAILE Maile Sweet smelling fern, wide leaf
Penrhyn PN.MAILE Maire Kind of fern growing on old coconut trees
Pukapuka PN.MAILE Maile Plant sp. (Polypodium scolopendria) (Bge.)
Rapa PN.MAILE Mairi Ferns (Polypodium phymatovles, P.euryphyllum)
Rapa PN.MAILE Maire (Alyxia sp.)
Rarotongan PN.MAILE Maire General name for ferns, but most commonly applied to (Phymatosorus scolopendria), an indigenous terrestrial or epiphytic fern
Rarotongan PN.MAILE Maire A shrub (Oldenlandia foetida); a fern (Polypodium scolopendria); a shrub (Alyxia stellata)
Rarotongan PN.MAILE Maire-raakau A shrub (Alyxia stellata)
Rarotongan PN.MAILE Maire-kakara A fern with fragrant leaves (Microsorium sylvaticum)
Rennellese PN.MAILE Maige (Alyxia acuminata), a fragrant vine
Samoan PN.MAILE Lau/maile/ (Alyxia spp.)
Sikaiana PN.MAILE Maile Plant sp
Tahitian PN.MAILE Maire Fougère odorante qui sert à l'ornementation (Polypodium pustulatum); et aussi Alyxia stellata, recherché pour le "mono`i"
Takuu PN.MAILE Maile Fern sp. (Polypodium scolopendria)
Tikopia PN.MAILE Maire Fern with large digitated leaf
Tokelau PN.MAILE Lau/maile/ A fern (Phymatosorus scolopendria)
Tongan PN.MAILE Maile A fragrant shrub (Alyxia stellata)
Tuamotu PN.MAILE Maiire Sweet-scented fern, (Polypodium scolopendrium)
Tuamotu PN.MAILE Monoi /maire/ A shrub (Alyxia scandens) Makatea
New Zealand Maori TA.MAI-MAI Maimai Dance to welcome guests
Mangaia TA.MAI-MAI Maimai Come here! (a call to pigs to gather them together to feed them)
Penrhyn TA.MAI-MAI Mai mai, mai mai! Come here, come here! (call to summon a pig to feed)
Rarotongan TA.MAI-MAI Maimai Call to pigs to come
Tahitian TA.MAI-MAI Maimai A call to pigs, fowls, &c.
East Uvea PN.MAAQI-MOA Maimoa Bon a rien Problematic
Hawaiian CE.MA-INAINA Mainaina Anger, wrath
Tahitian CE.MA-INAINA Mainaina To feel anger or displeasure; cutting, galling, causing pain, as by an insulting speech
Mangareva PN.MA-QINE-QINE Maineine Tickled, ticklish
Niue PN.MA-QINE-QINE Maineine Excited, ticklish
Tahitian PN.MA-QINE-QINE Maineine Chatouilleux, chatouiller
Hawaiian EP.MAQITAKI Maikaʔi Good, fine, all right, well; good-looking, handsome...
New Zealand Maori EP.MAQITAKI Maitai Beautiful, good, agreeable; iron (obs.) Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn EP.MAQITAKI Maitaki Good, kind
Rapa EP.MAQITAKI Maitaki Good
Tahitian EP.MAQITAKI Maitaʔi De qualité; bon, bien, agréable; devenir bon; bonté, gentillesse;; bon, bien moral; devenir bon; beau (en parlant du temps qu'il fait)
Tuamotu EP.MAQITAKI Maitaki Good, pleasant, excellent
Hawaiian OC.MAQITO Maiko(iko) (Acanthurus spp.)
Emae OC.MAQITO Maito/ito Fish sp. (Ctenochaetus?)
Penrhyn OC.MAQITO Maito Black surgeonfish Ctenochaetu spp.)
Pukapuka OC.MAQITO Maito Similar to ma but with red stripes on the back ; species of Surgeonfish
Rapa OC.MAQITO Maito (C. striatus)
Rarotongan OC.MAQITO Maito Black surgeon fish (Acanthurus and Ctenochaetus spp.)