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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Penrhyn CE.KOOPERU Kooperu Mackerel ; scad, mackerel (Decapterus spp.)
Pukapuka CE.KOOPERU Koopelu A fish (Decapterus macarellus) Problematic
Rarotongan CE.KOOPERU Kooperu Mackerel scad (Decapterus pinnulatus)
Tahitian CE.KOOPERU ʔOoperu Poisson de la famille des Carangidae (Decapterus pinnulatus)
Marquesas MQ.KOO-PIO Kopiʔo. Kopio (1ŋ04). Non parvenu à parfaite maturite; trop tendre
New Zealand Maori CE.KOO-PIRI Koopiri Shrivelled up; pinched with cold; contracted
Marquesas CE.KOO-PIRI Kopiʔi, ʔopiʔi (MQS) Faible, infirme. Lâche, poltron; s'arrêter, se retarder (1904).
Mangareva CE.KOO-PIRI Kopiri/piri S'appuyer ça et là par honte, par cause de maladie; s'attacher a quelqu'un, se serrer contre quelqu'un. Stick to; apply closely to; nuzzle up close to anyone through shame or sickness; to go from one tree to another, as children do when called (Tgr).
Tahitian CE.KOO-PIRI ʔOo/pi/piri Peu prêteur, avare; garder pour soi-même, ne pas vouloir prêter ou donner
Tuamotu CE.KOO-PIRI Koopiri Contracted, shrivelled up
Hawaiian CE.KOO-PIRO ʔOopilo(pilo) Bad-smelling, as stagnant water; a marshy odor; halitosis
New Zealand Maori CE.KOO-PIRO Koopiro Steeped in water to ferment, as maize Intestines
Marquesas CE.KOO-PIRO Koopiʔo, ʔoopiʔo. ʔOpio (MQS), kopio (MQN) (Lch). Immature (of bananas, bamboo); abortif. Non mûr, trop tendre (Lch).
Mangareva CE.KOO-PORO Ko/poro Derniers fruits a pains d'ordinaire tres peu nombreux, qui murissent en hivers; morelle ; herbe rampante, morelle, Solanum uporo, Solanacées
Tahitian CE.KOO-PORO ʔOoporo (Capsicum frutescens). Piment (Solanum anthropophagorum, S.uporo) (Lmt).
Nuguria EC.KOOPUU.B Ngoopu Sack (genäht, Blätter) Problematic
Luangiua EC.KOOPUU.B ʔOopuu Intestines
Takuu PN.KOLOA Koroa Set of whale's or porpoise's teeth; collective term for cultural valuables
Moriori CE.KOO-PUKU Kopuku Blister
Rarotongan CE.KOO-PUKU Koopuku Blister, lump, swelling
Tahitian TA.KOO-PURA.1 Opura A good species of the Tahitian cultivated yam
Tuamotu CE.KOO-PURA.2 Koopura/pura To emit sparks, to glow or shine with unsteady light
New Zealand Maori TA.KOO-PURE Koopure(pure) Spotted, in patches
Penrhyn TA.KOO-PURE Koopura/rua White jellyfish Problematic
Tahitian TA.KOO-PURE Opure Spotted, applied to a fowl
Tuamotu TA.KOO-PURE Koopurepure Spotted, mottled in patches
New Zealand Maori CE.KOO-PUUPUU Kopuu(puu) Blistered; full up
Rarotongan CE.KOO-PUUPUU Koopuupuu Bulge, swell, puff up; blisters, swellings, bumps
Tuamotu CE.KOO-PUUPUU Koopuupuu Inflated, bloated, puffed up
New Zealand Maori CK.KOO-PUTA Kooputa/puta Pitted, full of holes
Pukapuka CE.KOOPUTU Kooputu A seabird name in chant texts: "black, with a loud call" Problematic
Rarotongan CE.KOOPUTU Kooputu A bird, the Herald Petrel (Pterodroma heraldica)
Rarotongan CE.KOO-SAE Kooʔae(ʔae) Rip, split, tear apart
Tuamotu CE.KOO-SAE Kohae Rend, tear apart; be torn, rent, ruptured; fissure, opening
Kapingamarangi AN.KOSI Koi Metal hand grater for grating soft coconut flesh; to so do Phonologically Irregular
Rotuman AN.KOSI ʔOi Scrape. :scrape, grate Problematic
Tuamotu AN.KOSI Kohi/hi Tear, strip off Uncertain Semantic Connection
Hawaiian CE.KOO-SURU ʔOohulu Spear seals; seal hunter. Lit. spear fur
Marquesas CE.KOO-SUMU Kohumu. Kohumu/humu (Atl). Murmur, grumble, gossip. Murmurer, chuchoter, grommeler, grogner, marmotter, critiquer, injurier tout bas. Boudeur; moody, sulky (ronchonner, grumble) (Atl).
Rarotongan CE.KOO-SUMU Kooʔumu Utter in a low voice
Tahitian CE.KOO-SUMU Ohumu, ohimu Whisper, murmur, backbite, slander
Luangiua PN.KOTA ʔOka Grated coconut; dress [sic: dregs? dross?], rubbish
Tongan PN.KOTA Kota Grated coconut from which milk has been expressed
Mangaia CE.KOO-TAFA.A Kootaʔa Lesser Frigate Bird (Fregata minor)
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.KOO-TAFA.A Kootaha Frigate Bird (Fregata spp.)
Niue CE.KOO-TAFA.A Kotaa. Kootaa (McE). Frigate bird (Fregata minor) Borrowed
Penrhyn CE.KOO-TAFA.A Kootaha Female frigate-bird frigatebird
Pukapuka CE.KOO-TAFA.A Kotawa Males of both spp. of Frigatebird (kootawa and kootaa appear in a few chants, poss. early contact period Borrowed
Rarotongan CE.KOO-TAFA.A Kootaʔa Frigate Bird. (Fregata minor)
Tahitian CE.KOO-TAFA.A ʔOotaha Frégate (oiseau) [Fregata minor]