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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nuguria SO.ANO.2 Ano/iho Geht unter
Pukapuka SO.ANO.2 Ano Go. Said to be a shortened form of wano. (Sg. verb). Not recent borrowing. Common in old chants
Emae PN.QANOIHA Anoisa Day after tomorrow Phonologically Irregular
Niue PN.QANOIHA Anoiha, noiha Day after tomorrow
Luangiua PN.QANOIHA Asoiho Following, after Problematic
Tongan PN.QANOIHA ʔAnoiha The day after tomorrow
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.QANU.2 Anu/makina Celebrate with dancing
Takuu SO.QANU.2 Anu Dance (general term)
New Zealand Maori OC.QANU.3 A/anu To spit, sputter
New Zealand Maori TA.ARUHE Aruhe The edible rhizome of Bracken (Pteridium esculentum)
New Zealand Maori TA.ARUHE Rau/aruhe/ Bracken (Pteridium esculentum)
New Zealand Maori TA.ARUHE Rarauhe Bracken (Pteridium esculentum) (Tuuhoe)
Moriori TA.ARUHE Aruhe (Pteridium esculentum). Fern root
Rarotongan TA.ARUHE Tu/anuʔe/ A type of fern and the name for the barren hill areas where it grows ; Scrambling Fern (Dicranopteris linearis) . The False Staghorn Fern (Dicranopteris linearis)
Tahitian TA.ARUHE Anuhe Fougère (Dicranopteris linearis). The common fern in the mountains (Dvs).
Easter Island AN.QANUFE ʔAnuhe Caterpillar
Fijian AN.QANUFE Banuve, nuve A caterpillar Borrowed
Hawaiian AN.QANUFE ʔAnuhe Caterpillar
New Zealand Maori AN.QANUFE Anuhe Caterpillar
Nuguria AN.QANUFE Anohe Caterpillar Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn AN.QANUFE Anuhe Caterpillar
Rapa AN.QANUFE K/anuae A white caterpillar Phonologically Irregular
Rarotongan AN.QANUFE Anuʔe Caterpillar
Rotuman AN.QANUFE Aniha Caterpillar, maggot
Samoan AN.QANUFE Anufe Caterpillar. Worms, including intestinal worms (McP).
Hawaiian PN.SALUFE Uluhe, unuhe False staghorn fern (Dicranopteris, Hicriopteris, Sticherus)
Tuamotu AN.QANUFE Anuhe Caterpillar
Takuu CP.AO.1 Ao Gather up small items (rice or sand) from a flat surface; scoop up
West Uvea CP.AO.1 Ao(fia) Ramasser en une poignée, dans le creux de la main ou dans les deux mains jointes
Kapingamarangi NP.AO.2 Aa Coconut with less meat than expected
Penrhyn NP.AO.2 Aao/a Undergrown and malformed coconut fruit that has no inner shell and contains neither flesh nor water Problematic
Sikaiana NP.AO.2 Ao A fruit with no flesh inside. A green coconut that does not have any water inside; (fig.) a child that does not grow very well (Dnr).
Tahitian NP.AO.2 O/ao A cocoanut that has no water or kernel
Takuu NP.AO.2 Aa/moko Early stage of coconut growth: small, some elongated, with no liquid inside; [of coconut] deformed with no meat or water
Pukapuka PN.AO.3 Ao Lashing used to tighten other lashings
Tongan PN.AO.3 Ao A turban, especially one worn in war for protection, or by a champion as a symbol of his chamionship
Tahitian EP.AO.4 Te ao nei The present world, the present state of existence
Tahitian EP.AO.4 Te ao nei Le monde ici-bas
Niue OC.QAO.1 Ao/lagi Cloud (extensive cloud cover)
Penrhyn OC.QAO.1 Oo Cloud, white cloud
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.QAO.1 Te/au Cloud, mist
Tahitian NP.QAO.2 Ao Heaven, blessedness, happiness; the state of the blessed; the good reign of a prince
Tokelau NP.QAO.2 Ao Head (of state, church etc.)
Rarotongan OC.QAOA Aoa Banyan tree (Ficus prolicxa) on outer islands
Tikopia PN.QAPA Apa Raise person in arms or on lap as a sign of great respect or for protection from danger or defilement
East Uvea FJ.APAI.1 Apai Perche mise en traverse d'une toiture pour relier ensemble les chevrons; porter, soutenir du plat de la main
Tongan FJ.APAI.1 Apai Certain parts of roof timbers of a Tongan house. They run lengthwise and the rafters are bound to them
East Futuna SO.APAI.2 Apa/apai Etendre la main pour recevoir quelque chose; tenir horizontalement avec les deux mains un baton etc Etre tenu horizontalement à bras tendus (bébé) (Mfr).
East Uvea SO.APAI.2 Apai Porter; soutenir du plat de la main
Nukuoro SO.APAI.2 Aba/abai Carry a canoe in shallow water; carry half-lifting