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4899 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Anuta MP.FIRI.1 Piri/piri Sacred necklet, worn by chiefs or persons who are the object of some special honor
Anuta NP.LOA.2 Ro Word used as a filler and for emphasis [in conditioned variance with *rei*?]
Anuta OC.TAGA.1A Tanga/a/vae Ceremonial "kilt" of plaited pandanus leaf
Anuta MP.TAO Tao/ria To be struck by a projectile such as an arrow or spear
Anuta PN.TAU-LAGA Tauranga A formal friendship relationship between an Anutan and a Tikopian...; an individual or an elementary domestic unit...participating in such a relationship
Tikopia PN.TAU-LAGA Tauranga Social anchorage, i.e. ancestral linkage by kinship or analogous connection, used for practicl social and economic relationships by individuals of Tikopia and Anuta...
Tikopia PN.TUKE.1 Tuke Projection on body (applied to genitalia in improper speech)
Penrhyn FJ.AA-NINI Aniania Fatigued Problematic
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.FAQAO Whao-a, whao/na-ia Seize, snatch
Manihiki-Rakahanga CP.FIA- Hia To desire
Penrhyn PN.MA-FOLA Maasora-hia To loosen [ex. hair] Phonologically Irregular
Rarotongan CK.RAGA Ranga-ʔia To search for something
Mangaia CK.RAGA Ranga (pass. rangaaʔia) Look around for, seek for
Manihiki-Rakahanga AN.UA.1 Ua-hia Lashing in house construction
Nukuoro PN.QALU.C Alu/alu/mia Send away
Nuguria PN.QALU.C Aru-mia Call for a person to come (vt)
Nukumanu PN.QALU.C Aru (pass. aruhia) Invite
Marquesas PN.TALAAO ʔEiao kiki Loche sanguine (Cephalopholis sexmaculata) Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn PN.KAAIGA.A Kaiing, kianga Country, land
Penrhyn PN.KAI-HAQA.A Kaia, kai kai a Robbers
Penrhyn AN.AKA.A Ka/i/hara Aerial roots of pandanus
Rarotongan AN.AKA.A Ka/i/ʔara The aerial brace-roots of the pandanus tree
Penrhyn NP.NUI.1 Kia nui taku roro Let my measure of *roro* be full
Penrhyn FJ.QAOGA Onga/tia Disgust at having to labour Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu PN.LAU-MANU Raumanu/hia Accompanied by aflock of hovering birds; said when birds follow and feed upon a school of fish
Tuamotu CE.RAU-KAWA Raukava Some part of the sacred regalia of a chief or high priest
Samoan PN.LAU-MANU Laumanu/ʔia Be discussed, talked about Uncertain Semantic Connection
Samoan CE.RAU-KAWA Lauʔava Food eaten on the burial of a chief
Penrhyn AN.RAKU Saku-hia To scrape Phonologically Irregular
Tuamotu TA.TUU-KAU.B Tuukau A social overlord, predominant chief...; a steward, mate; the housekeeper of an *ariki*
Rarotongan TA.HAFA.C ʔEiaʔa Don't (weaker than *auraka, and often cautionary rather than imperative)
Penrhyn TA.FAKA-MASARA Hakamahara/hanga Memory, memorial, recollection
Mangaia TA.HOROGA ʔOoronga-ʔia Give; generous
Manihiki-Rakahanga TA.huri- Huri/hia Hurricane
Penrhyn TA.huri- Huri/hia Hurricane
Rarotongan TA.huri- ʔUri/ʔia Hurricane, cyclone
Mangaia TA.huri- ʔUri/ʔia Hurricane
Penrhyn TA.MAAORO Maaoro-hia To rub, massage
Mangaia TA.MAAORO Maaoro Rub, massage, make smooth (of matting material *paapaa*)
Tahitian TA.GUTU-FARE ʔUtu/aa/fare Maison familiale; famille, ceux qui habitent la même maison
Easter Island PN.AI.2 Aii/ŋa Estada, existencia
Rarotongan TA.WALE-GA Varenga Engrossed, beguiled, distracted, absorbed; become familiar, tame, lose shyness
Penrhyn CE.TAA-WAI Taavai-a, -hia Add water, dilute; mix, blend
Rarotongan CE.TAA-WAI Taavai-a, -ʔia Add liquid to something
Manihiki-Rakahanga TA.TAPE.1 Tau/tape Small rectangular apron of plaited material
Samoan PN.TAPA.1B Tapa One of the white borders of a *siapo*
East Futuna PN.TAPA.1B Tapa Chutes de tissu, natte ou *siapo*
Rarotongan PN.LOGA Group (of people, but not used before *ariki*, *rangatira*, *mataʔiapo* or *metua*)
Marquesas PN.PATI.1 Biddekái To clap the hands, held flat, intermediately between the strokes with hollow hands, called *butu*
Marquesas EP.E-IA H/aia Behold!