Entries from Capell 1984 in Pollex-Online

Capell, A. (1984). Futuna-Aniwa Dictionary, with Grammatical Introduction. Canberra, Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University.

Language Item Description
West Futuna Tera That yonder
West Futuna (Fei)pera (WFU), he/pra (ANI) Thus, like that
West Futuna Varo/tokina To call one
West Futuna A/k/ai Who?
West Futuna Akai/ma Who? (non-singular)
West Futuna Alofa (ANI), arafe/ina, arafa/ina (WFU) Hail! Greeting! To greet, salute, bless
West Futuna Amo/sia a roto To assure
West Futuna A/mo/SiSiki (WFU), Mau/tSiktSiki (ANI) The Polynesian hero Maui
West Futuna Aŋa/mai Turn round
West Futuna Ara A row in baskets and mats Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna Ari/age (ANI) To scrape
West Futuna Asi Go to see the food of a feast
West Futuna AtSe Heart
West Futuna A/tena tau Next year
West Futuna A/ufu taŋatara Fish sp.
West Futuna Awee Interjection of pain
West Futuna Awe/awe Interjection of delight
West Futuna Bax/pa (WFU) To crash, of thunder
West Futuna Bekabeka Place with little earth
West Futuna Boŋa Part of banana nearest to stalk
West Futuna Boŋa/rua A hole in the rocks where fish are caught; a hole in the ground where taro are planted
West Futuna Bori-a To plant plentifully
West Futuna Buke/buke, x/puke To begin to form, said of wave on the ocean
West Futuna Buni (WFU), puni (ANI) To end (intransitive). To fail, come to nothing. Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna Burau (WFU), purau (ANI) To cover over; garland, crown, hat (ANI)
West Futuna E/itu, tu/vai To draw water
West Futuna Ekei Interjection, 'No!' (denying charge, or missing aim)
West Futuna Ekiŋa A seat
West Futuna E/isi Fish sp.
West Futuna Fafata (WFU), fatfata (ANI) The breast; chest, bosom
West Futuna Fa/kai (ANI) The people (of a place)
West Futuna Faka/laka To make a thing with long spaces. To make with long open spaces, to space things (Dty)
West Futuna Faka/mafiSi To expand (the chest), breathe with difficulty; of sharks, turn on back Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna Faka/mama To open the mouth. To gawk with gaping mouth; chasm (Dty)
West Futuna Faka/mana To amuse Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna Fakamau-a To leave (a yam, etc.) as seed
West Futuna Faká/moa First yam eaten
West Futuna Faka/moimiSi To sing short songs (2 or 3 verses) Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna Faka/moi/moi Sloping, aslant; to stoop down
West Futuna Faka/na/namu-i To season; to eat good food with poor to give it a taste
West Futuna Faka/nape To fold (the arms)
West Futuna Fakanofo-i (ANI) To overwhelm Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna Fak/aoŋa Feast for paying those who 'cut the canoe' Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna Fak/apiapi To stand in one's way
West Futuna Faká/poa To scatter pieces of bait to attract fish
West Futuna Faka/pore/pore On its side, unstable
West Futuna Faka/puru/ŋa A knot
West Futuna Faka/raka-i To throw a stone at something over high obstacles
West Futuna Fakarere To scatter; finish up; completely
West Futuna Fakari-a (WFU) To show