Entries from Carroll & Soulik 1973 in Pollex-Online

Carroll, V. and T. Soulik (1973). Nukuoro Lexicon. Honolulu, University Press of Hawaii.

Language Item Description
Nukuoro Baa Pearl-oyster
Nukuoro Bae An arrangement of rocks to make a retaining wall or pier, etc.
Nukuoro Bakau Wing, shoulder
Nukuoro Dai Salt Problematic
Nukuoro Bagia Be hit (by wind, bullet, spear, etc)
Nukuoro Pagola Bad luck, punishment
Nukuoro Bagu Scab, crust
Nukuoro Baguu. Paku (Crn). Fall over, as felled tree
Nukuoro Balangi Tang
Nukuoro Balalaa/nga Sound of sucking liquid, coitus
Nukuoro Uli bela Jet black
Nukuoro Baalasi Press down or against, sit on (as a chicken hatching eggs)
Nukuoro Balu Fish sp
Nukuoro Bane Flat top of shark snout
Nukuoro Paopao Double-ended single outrigger with two booms
Nukuoro Baba The board on which mats are plainted
Nukuoro Baba Level (not bumpy), any sort of flat base, the consolidated reef under water or sand; the back of a human; the shell of a turtle, crab, etc.
Nukuoro Baba Fish sp
Nukuoro Babu-daaea Fish sp., Snapper (= small daea)
Nukuoro Babu/-hoga-agau Fish sp., two sorts, one white, one red
Nukuoro Baasi Side, half
Nukuoro Baasua. Pasua (Crn). Tridacna maxima
Nukuoro Pada Coarse in texture, grain, weave, etc
Nukuoro Badu Hit/tap with hand/foot, kick
Nukuoro Haga/bau Figure out, determine; measure, calculate, estimate
Nukuoro Be...be Either...or
Nukuoro Beau A wave, the surf
Nukuoro Behee Like what?
Nukuoro Bela Plot of taro, boggy soil
Nukuoro Bela/bela Dirty (like bela)
Nukuoro Belubelu Fish sp
Nukuoro Pena Take precautions
Nukuoro Hagata/pena/ Prepare, make ready
Nukuoro Benu Pandanus key after being chewed
Nukuoro Bebe Butterfly
Nukuoro Bese Harmony part in old chants
Nukuoro Bedi Fat, plump
Nukuoro Pii/a Get wet
Nukuoro Bii Ejaculate; semen
Nukuoro Bie Polynesian arrowroot (Tacca leontopetaloides) Phonologically Irregular
Nukuoro Bigi/bigi/a Covered with something sticky
Nukuoro Bigi Caught between two other things
Nukuoro Bigo Bent
Nukuoro Bili/bili Caught up as a falling tree
Nukuoro Belu. Pilu (Crn). Lizard sp. Phonologically Irregular
Nukuoro Bibi (Cyclotinella remies), tellinidae spp
Nukuoro Biho. Piho (Crn). Head; body of a trolling lure Phonologically Irregular
Nukuoro Bido Extremity
Nukuoro Boo Night
Nukuoro Boo Grab (with one's hand); hold (in one's hand); capture