Entries from Carroll & Soulik 1973 in Pollex-Online
Carroll, V. and T. Soulik (1973). Nukuoro Lexicon. Honolulu, University Press of Hawaii.
Language | Item | Description |
Nukuoro | Baa | Pearl-oyster |
Nukuoro | Bae | An arrangement of rocks to make a retaining wall or pier, etc. |
Nukuoro | Bakau | Wing, shoulder |
Nukuoro | Dai | Salt Problematic |
Nukuoro | Bagia | Be hit (by wind, bullet, spear, etc) |
Nukuoro | Pagola | Bad luck, punishment |
Nukuoro | Bagu | Scab, crust |
Nukuoro | Baguu. Paku (Crn). | Fall over, as felled tree |
Nukuoro | Balangi | Tang |
Nukuoro | Balalaa/nga | Sound of sucking liquid, coitus |
Nukuoro | Uli bela | Jet black |
Nukuoro | Baalasi | Press down or against, sit on (as a chicken hatching eggs) |
Nukuoro | Balu | Fish sp |
Nukuoro | Bane | Flat top of shark snout |
Nukuoro | Paopao | Double-ended single outrigger with two booms |
Nukuoro | Baba | The board on which mats are plainted |
Nukuoro | Baba | Level (not bumpy), any sort of flat base, the consolidated reef under water or sand; the back of a human; the shell of a turtle, crab, etc. |
Nukuoro | Baba | Fish sp |
Nukuoro | Babu-daaea | Fish sp., Snapper (= small daea) |
Nukuoro | Babu/-hoga-agau | Fish sp., two sorts, one white, one red |
Nukuoro | Baasi | Side, half |
Nukuoro | Baasua. Pasua (Crn). | Tridacna maxima |
Nukuoro | Pada | Coarse in texture, grain, weave, etc |
Nukuoro | Badu | Hit/tap with hand/foot, kick |
Nukuoro | Haga/bau | Figure out, determine; measure, calculate, estimate |
Nukuoro | Be...be | Either...or |
Nukuoro | Beau | A wave, the surf |
Nukuoro | Behee | Like what? |
Nukuoro | Bela | Plot of taro, boggy soil |
Nukuoro | Bela/bela | Dirty (like bela) |
Nukuoro | Belubelu | Fish sp |
Nukuoro | Pena | Take precautions |
Nukuoro | Hagata/pena/ | Prepare, make ready |
Nukuoro | Benu | Pandanus key after being chewed |
Nukuoro | Bebe | Butterfly |
Nukuoro | Bese | Harmony part in old chants |
Nukuoro | Bedi | Fat, plump |
Nukuoro | Pii/a | Get wet |
Nukuoro | Bii | Ejaculate; semen |
Nukuoro | Bie | Polynesian arrowroot (Tacca leontopetaloides) Phonologically Irregular |
Nukuoro | Bigi/bigi/a | Covered with something sticky |
Nukuoro | Bigi | Caught between two other things |
Nukuoro | Bigo | Bent |
Nukuoro | Bili/bili | Caught up as a falling tree |
Nukuoro | Belu. Pilu (Crn). | Lizard sp. Phonologically Irregular |
Nukuoro | Bibi | (Cyclotinella remies), tellinidae spp |
Nukuoro | Biho. Piho (Crn). | Head; body of a trolling lure Phonologically Irregular |
Nukuoro | Bido | Extremity |
Nukuoro | Boo | Night |
Nukuoro | Boo | Grab (with one's hand); hold (in one's hand); capture |