Entries from Churchward 1959 in Pollex-Online

Churchward, C. M. (1959). Tongan Dictionary. London, Oxford University Press.

Language Item Description
Tongan Fiefia Happy
Tongan Fiifii Enclose fish in plaited coconut leaf
Tongan Fingota Sea creature other than ika
Tongan Fiha How many?
Tongan Fihu To turn edges of a mat over to plait them in and so finish the mat off; a kind of fine mat, white and very soft
Tongan Fili Select, choose
Tongan Fili/hi Turn/roll over
Tongan Ma/fili/ Turn/roll over
Tongan Fili Enemy
Tongan Fii Twist or plait two or more threads together; plait hair, a pigtail
Tongan Filo(ilo) Spin, make thread string or rope; thread, cotton, thin string
Tongan Filo(filo)hi Executive transitive of filo
Tongan Fio Mix, mingle
Tongan Finangalo Desire (v.), heart, mind
Tongan Finaki Fish trap
Tongan Faa/ʔefine Armpit
Tongan Finemotuʔa Elderly woman
Tongan Fiho Phlegm.
Tongan Fihoʔa (Colubrina asiatica)
Tongan Mohe/fisi/ Toss in one's sleep
Tongan Taka/fisi/, ʔaka/fisi/ Jerk about convulsively
Tongan Fisi Traditional place name
Tongan Fisi Blossom, bud (v.)
Tongan Fisifisihinaa Be going grey or white Problematic
Tongan Fitu Seven
Tongan Fiu Satiated, satisfied
Tongan Fo/foo Massage by rubbing downwards
Tongan Foo To wash clothes, laundry
Tongan Foa Break stone, cup, coconut; be knocked on head
Tongan Foaki Bestow a gift
Tongan Fofonga Honorific/polite term for face, eyes, mouth, head, ears
Tongan Fohe Paddle
Tongan Fohi Remove skin/rind/peel
Tongan Fohu Hole, perforation (in mooring stone)
Tongan Foʔi Single, individual (used with fruit, eggs, private parts, matches, yams)
Tongan Fokai Chameleon
Tongan Foki Return v
Tongan Foki Also, moreover; you see, as a matter of fact; with commands, sometimes merely emphatic. Dis donc (Btn).
Tongan Fola Spread
Tongan Folau Fleet of vessels, voyage
Tongan ʔAu/foe Disease that causes skin to peel off
Tongan Foli To go here and there, round about
Tongan Folo Swallow, ingest
Tongan Fono Inlay
Tongan Fono Plank used in the construction of a boat
Tongan Fono Deliberative assembly
Tongan Fono Food served with kava
Tongan Fonu Full
Tongan Fo/fonu/ Full (pl.)
Tongan Fonu Turtle