Entries from Mataora 1981 in Pollex-Online

Mataora, T., M. Tutai, et al. (1981). Pukapukan-English dictionary: a preliminary edition.

Language Item Description
Pukapuka Kau Stalk
Pukapuka Kaukau Swimming ; swim
Pukapuka Kaulu The top or crown of a tree
Pukapuka Kava Feast commanded by a chief ; any intoxicating beverage
Pukapuka Kava Bitter or sour or lacking in taste
Pukapuka Kee Unrelated ; strange, foreign
Pukapuka Ke/keo Sharp-pointed, needle-like
Pukapuka Keekee Armpit ; tickle Problematic
Pukapuka Kele/kele Sand
Pukapuka Keli-a To dig
Pukapuka Ke/kemo/ To close the eyes
Pukapuka Kete A basket
Pukapuka Ketuketu Scratch ground (as a hen)
Pukapuka Ki Preposition meaning "to, where to"
Pukapuka Kiato Crosspole crossing the two poles to the outrigger
Pukapuka Kie Specially made mat sometimes used as sail Borrowed
Pukapuka Kie Specially made mat (sometimes used as sail
Pukapuka Kie Specially made mat sometimes used as a sail
Pukapuka Kikila Show teeth conspicuously; nearly ripe of Pandanus fruit (Mta)
Pukapuka Puu/kiko Vagina of female genital organs
Pukapuka Ki/kila/ Exposed, showing (as of teeth) (Mta)
Pukapuka Kili Black Triggerfish (which has an abrasive skin) Problematic
Pukapuka Kilia Fed up, not wanting to do something again
Pukapuka Ki/kini To pinch with the fingers
Pukapuka Kiole Rat
Pukapuka Kite To witness, be a winess ; see, find
Pukapuka Koe You
Pukapuka Konga Place; section of land. Piece of food cut off (Sby).
Pukapuka Koa Tense marker indicating a state that is beginning to develop
Pukapuka Lapa/lapa Wide, width
Pukapuka Aleale Queasy to the stomach
Pukapuka Liaki(na) To put up a sail. Raise up, show (Bge). Lift up, display, expose (Sby). Borrowed
Pukapuka Luki/poko Challenge opposition to shoulder pushing
Pukapuka Malo/na To stretch something Problematic
Pukapuka Mania Orgasm
Pukapuka Maayui Left (not right)
Pukapuka Me/melo/ Deep red in colour
Pukapuka Me/mene Withdraw, retreat from an original location
Pukapuka Mingi Wrinkle, as skin or surface of cloth
Pukapuka Mingi/mingi Frizzy (hair), curly, wrinkle (skin)
Pukapuka Miti To dream
Pukapuka Mi/miti/ To sip
Pukapuka Miti/miti Sucking
Pukapuka Miti Salt
Pukapuka Moo Possessive marks possession not yet realised
Pukapuka Mongamonga A type of skin rash Problematic
Pukapuka Moko A lizard, a dragon, a type of fish
Pukapuka Mole Finished completely, nothing left
Pukapuka Moolii Lantern
Pukapuka Molokau Centipede