Entries from Mataora 1981 in Pollex-Online

Mataora, T., M. Tutai, et al. (1981). Pukapukan-English dictionary: a preliminary edition.

Language Item Description
Pukapuka Puapua A tree used to make canoes . Used figuratively for vagina
Pukapuka Pui/pui Erect a blind; to cover, shut off
Pukapuka Pulapula Young coconut plants
Pukapuka Pule A prayer, pray ; guard, keep watch
Pukapuka Pulu Coconut husks
Pukapuka Pulu Menstrual pad
Pukapuka Pulu/i Lashing or string around a wire to stop the main fishing line from getting cut
Pukapuka Puna Water spring
Pukapuka Puunanga A hideout; fort ; fishing place
Pukapuka Punua Young of non-humans
Pukapuka Puya/puya Getting rough (of the sea)
Pukapuka Pu/puyi Blow
Pukapuka Putu Crowded
Pukapuka Yaa Prohibited, sacred; deserving of respect
Pukapuka Yae Tear, rip, strip apart
Pukapuka Yae Gluttonous Problematic
Pukapuka Yawe/a To recuperate from an illness
Pukapuka Yanga To work, work
Pukapuka Yaka A style of dancing
Pukapuka Yaka/yaka Low, not high; low in pitch
Pukapuka Yaka To put into (as fish into a basket) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka Yake Trip someone by using hand or foot as a hook
Pukapuka Yaakili Look for, search, hunt for food
Pukapuka Yako Straight (not curved or crooked); upright; correct, true
Pukapuka Yala Wrong, misdeed
Pukapuka Yalu Straighten out a pandanus leaf before coiling
Pukapuka Alu To advance in a forceful manner Problematic
Pukapuka Alulu Explode; booming sound like thunder Problematic
Pukapuka Ye/yeke To flow; to defecate
Pukapuka Ao Circular lashing to bind or tie other lashings Problematic
Pukapuka Apo Lift up with hands Problematic
Pukapuka Yayake Unknown land from which migrants came to Pukapuka
Pukapuka Yau Dew
Pukapuka Au Under the protection or sovereignty of another country Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Yaunga Fishy smell
Pukapuka Yei Garland of flowers ; necklace, garland
Pukapuka Yeke To slip or slide
Pukapuka Yele To tie; a tether
Pukapuka Yelu To comb
Pukapuka Yengayenga Blue, green or yellow
Pukapuka Ye/yengi/ To set (of sun or moon)
Pukapuka Yengi/a Be full moon
Pukapuka Yepo To lick
Pukapuka Yeu Flick off, knock off
Pukapuka Yii/yii Liquid flowing or dripping down. To spurt, squirt, flow out in a torrent (Sby).
Pukapuka Yi/yila/ Eyes opened wide
Pukapuka Yila Good leadership or guidance
Pukapuka Yina Grey hair
Pukapuka Yioyio Tornado ; a waterspout in the sea
Pukapuka Yongi Smell, sniff, kiss