Entries from Mataora 1981 in Pollex-Online

Mataora, T., M. Tutai, et al. (1981). Pukapukan-English dictionary: a preliminary edition.

Language Item Description
Pukapuka Mo/moyo Cooked
Pukapuka Mu/muka/ Pure white
Pukapuka Mule Sexual stimulation caused by the stretching or stiffening of the muscles
Pukapuka Paa A fence
Pukapuka Paa Fishing lure made from pearl-shell
Pukapuka Paa To burst
Pukapuka Paepae (watu) Stone border; two parallel rows of stones
Pukapuka Pa/paka/ Dried up
Pukapuka Pa/paki/ Slap with the open hand
Pukapuka Pakipaki Portuguese Man-of-war
Pukapuka Pala Ripe
Pukapuka Pala Rotten
Pukapuka Pala Dirt; soiled
Pukapuka Pala/nga A lump of faeces
Pukapuka Pale To catch a ball; guard reserves
Pukapuka Pale Hat
Pukapuka Palu Wash clothes
Pukapuka Pana Bounce
Pukapuka Pani To put marks on something (e.g. face)
Pukapuka Pala Very wet
Pukapuka Papa Hard bedrock that rises above water at certain times
Pukapuka Pape Upward movement of the hips (as in intercourse, dancing) Problematic
Pukapuka Payeke Slip
Pukapuka Patoo To touch ground lightly (as a dart which ricochets)
Pukapuka Pe/ia Like this
Pukapuka Pee Pus ; ooze
Pukapuka Peewea How?
Pukapuka Penu Blunt Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Penu Pandanus seed
Pukapuka Pia Starch
Pukapuka Pia White substance found in sexual organs of both sexes
Pukapuka Piki To join, in weaving
Pukapuka Piko Crooked, bent, not straight
Pukapuka Pili Close, not very far
Pukapuka Pia Box, trunk, chest Problematic
Pukapuka Piivai/elo Useless, good for nothing (said of persons)
Pukapuka Poo Night, darkness; abode of the dead
Pukapuka Poe Pearl; ear-ring
Pukapuka Poi Taro pudding prepared for babies, the aged and sick people
Pukapuka Pookai A roll (of wire etc.) (of prepared pandanus leaves
Pukapuka Pole Need, want something ; desire, longing
Pukapuka Pona A piece of flesh or sugarcane
Pukapuka Pono Sure, certain; confirm Problematic
Pukapuka Poopoo To clap hands; comfort a person in trouble
Pukapuka Poti/poti Caterpillar
Pukapuka Pootiki Last-born in a family Problematic
Pukapuka Poto Short
Pukapuka Pou Post
Pukapuka Poouli Dark
Pukapuka Poouto A float for a net; fishing float Borrowed