Entries from Mataora 1981 in Pollex-Online
Mataora, T., M. Tutai, et al. (1981). Pukapukan-English dictionary: a preliminary edition.
Language | Item | Description |
Pukapuka | Yoka | To husk coconuts; pierce |
Pukapuka | Yoka | A brace or supporting beam; strut of house framework |
Pukapuka | Yoko | To bribe (member of the opposite sex to maintain a relationship) . To try to attract (a woman) with repeated gifts |
Pukapuka | Yola | Return to the wild (of a domesticated animal or bird). Escape, flee in all directions (Sby). |
Pukapuka | Yoli | Step, stamp |
Pukapuka | Yolo | Go, move. To move along or over (of people) (Bge). |
Pukapuka | Yu/yuu/ | Wet |
Pukapuka | Pui/pui | A blind |
Pukapuka | Yu/yuke | Turn over (as a stone, pages of a book) |
Pukapuka | Yuupee | Nasal mucus |
Pukapuka | Taa | Hand of bananas |
Pukapuka | Tawatawaalangi | Horizon. Lower part of the sky (Sby). |
Pukapuka | Tau | Set, make a fire |
Pukapuka | Taua | Floor Borrowed |
Pukapuka | Taiki | Log of wood |
Pukapuka | Taka | Change round (of wind) |
Pukapuka | Waka/taka | Make something spin round |
Pukapuka | Taakai | Cooked taro wrapped in coconut leaflets |
Pukapuka | Takele | Keel of a boat |
Pukapuka | Tala | Point, projection ; spine, spike, thorn, barb |
Pukapuka | Ta/tala | Untie, undo |
Pukapuka | Talai | Hew, carve, shape wood |
Pukapuka | Tale | To cough ; phlegm |
Pukapuka | Taalo | Beckon, indicate to come |
Pukapuka | Taomi | Press down |
Pukapuka | Taawi | Hold on, keep on for a long time; carry away in arms Problematic |
Pukapuka | Taukupu | Waistline |
Pukapuka | Tapa | End, edge of something |
Pukapuka | Taapola | Coconut thatch made from whole frond |
Pukapuka | Tai | Shape or carve wood |
Pukapuka | Tatau | Wring out, express |
Pukapuka | Tau/tau | Hang, suspend |
Pukapuka | Taula | Rope, thread, yarn |
Pukapuka | Taula/atua | Person who can perform miracles of foresee the future |
Pukapuka | Tauyala | Good, fine, pleasant Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Pukapuka | Tea | Bright (of light, colour) |
Pukapuka | Tele | To slice ; scraped taro or puraka |
Pukapuka | Tete | To shake, shudder ; shiver, tremble |
Pukapuka | Tino | Body ; trunk of tree. Main part of canoe without outrigger (Sby). |
Pukapuka | Tio | Wart, lump, barnacle |
Pukapuka | Tipa | To turn aside, toward ; swerve, turn |
Pukapuka | Tipi | Strike, chop with the hand |
Pukapuka | Tipi | Edge, brim Problematic |
Pukapuka | Too | Conceive (of a woman) |
Pukapuka | Tongi | To taste ; nibble at bait |
Pukapuka | To/too | Drag, draw out |
Pukapuka | Toka | To satisfy (desire, hunger), quench (thirst); subside (of pain) ; become calm (of sea, anger) |
Pukapuka | Tookele | Small wooden gong (post contact) Problematic |
Pukapuka | Tolo | To scoop out, push, poke, tickle ; push aside; turn over soil; thrust burning stick into ground Problematic |
Pukapuka | Tona | Wart |