Entries from Mataora 1981 in Pollex-Online

Mataora, T., M. Tutai, et al. (1981). Pukapukan-English dictionary: a preliminary edition.

Language Item Description
Pukapuka Yoka To husk coconuts; pierce
Pukapuka Yoka A brace or supporting beam; strut of house framework
Pukapuka Yoko To bribe (member of the opposite sex to maintain a relationship) . To try to attract (a woman) with repeated gifts
Pukapuka Yola Return to the wild (of a domesticated animal or bird). Escape, flee in all directions (Sby).
Pukapuka Yoli Step, stamp
Pukapuka Yolo Go, move. To move along or over (of people) (Bge).
Pukapuka Yu/yuu/ Wet
Pukapuka Pui/pui A blind
Pukapuka Yu/yuke Turn over (as a stone, pages of a book)
Pukapuka Yuupee Nasal mucus
Pukapuka Taa Hand of bananas
Pukapuka Tawatawaalangi Horizon. Lower part of the sky (Sby).
Pukapuka Tau Set, make a fire
Pukapuka Taua Floor Borrowed
Pukapuka Taiki Log of wood
Pukapuka Taka Change round (of wind)
Pukapuka Waka/taka Make something spin round
Pukapuka Taakai Cooked taro wrapped in coconut leaflets
Pukapuka Takele Keel of a boat
Pukapuka Tala Point, projection ; spine, spike, thorn, barb
Pukapuka Ta/tala Untie, undo
Pukapuka Talai Hew, carve, shape wood
Pukapuka Tale To cough ; phlegm
Pukapuka Taalo Beckon, indicate to come
Pukapuka Taomi Press down
Pukapuka Taawi Hold on, keep on for a long time; carry away in arms Problematic
Pukapuka Taukupu Waistline
Pukapuka Tapa End, edge of something
Pukapuka Taapola Coconut thatch made from whole frond
Pukapuka Tai Shape or carve wood
Pukapuka Tatau Wring out, express
Pukapuka Tau/tau Hang, suspend
Pukapuka Taula Rope, thread, yarn
Pukapuka Taula/atua Person who can perform miracles of foresee the future
Pukapuka Tauyala Good, fine, pleasant Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka Tea Bright (of light, colour)
Pukapuka Tele To slice ; scraped taro or puraka
Pukapuka Tete To shake, shudder ; shiver, tremble
Pukapuka Tino Body ; trunk of tree. Main part of canoe without outrigger (Sby).
Pukapuka Tio Wart, lump, barnacle
Pukapuka Tipa To turn aside, toward ; swerve, turn
Pukapuka Tipi Strike, chop with the hand
Pukapuka Tipi Edge, brim Problematic
Pukapuka Too Conceive (of a woman)
Pukapuka Tongi To taste ; nibble at bait
Pukapuka To/too Drag, draw out
Pukapuka Toka To satisfy (desire, hunger), quench (thirst); subside (of pain) ; become calm (of sea, anger)
Pukapuka Tookele Small wooden gong (post contact) Problematic
Pukapuka Tolo To scoop out, push, poke, tickle ; push aside; turn over soil; thrust burning stick into ground Problematic
Pukapuka Tona Wart