Entries from Salisbury in Pollex-Online

Personal Communication

Language Item Description
Pukapuka Waatua Single strand of rope, incl. wrestling belt Problematic
Pukapuka Wo/wou Construct (a house or canoe)
Pukapuka Wenua People of the land. In poetry, the people of a land (Bge)
Pukapuka Winako Brazen in making advances towards opposite sex Problematic
Pukapuka Wiu Fling, throw away
Pukapuka Woo/wonu High tide
Pukapuka Uwi Taro swamp Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Nga/ngana Make a noise
Pukapuka Ngao Molar tooth
Pukapuka Ngaongao Deserted, uninhabited
Pukapuka Ngaolo Move, slide along Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Ngata Finish, end, terminate
Pukapuka Ngataa Difficult (of actions or personality)
Pukapuka Ngaatai Seawards
Pukapuka Ngatala Several species of grouper
Pukapuka Ngatolo Crawl all over
Pukapuka Ngaavali/vali Pliable, slack (of movements)
Pukapuka Ngu/ngulu Grunt, rumble
Pukapuka Ngutukeo Porpoise, dolphin Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Aia laa Exclamation of approval: "There it is!"
Pukapuka Yiva Name of distant land, probably Marquesas group; te atu Yiva: foreigners, esp. Europeans whose ships always came from the east
Pukapuka Oka Main beam of house
Pukapuka Uwi Take off clothes
Pukapuka Ili/wia Blown by the wind
Pukapuka Ka/kaa Screech (of birds); shout
Pukapuka Kaakaa White tern (Gygis alba) Problematic
Pukapuka Kaalevaleva Fish sp., Scribbled Leatherjacket (Aleuteres scriptus)
Pukapuka Kaulewelewe Coconut spathe Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka Katoa/nga Whole, all of something
Pukapuka Kio Game of chasing at sea
Pukapuka Kona Drunk
Pukapuka Wuu/koti Cut Parrotfish (Scarus schlegeli)
Pukapuka Kootinga Boundary line
Pukapuka Kuku Bunch together (of people)
Pukapuka Waka/kuku/kuku Huddle up with cold
Pukapuka Lau Collective term for a group of people Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Lei Necklace or ornament (in chants)
Pukapuka Luaki Vomit
Pukapuka Lutu To beat the shark-skin drum
Pukapuka Lu/lutu To rain heavily
Pukapuka Mai Come here!
Pukapuka Malu awiawi Early evening, dusk
Pukapuka Maanaia Decorative design figure (as on a wrestling belt)
Pukapuka Manuyili Guest, stranger Borrowed
Pukapuka Maayina Moon (archaic)
Pukapuka Matawiti Year Borrowed
Pukapuka Mate Extinguished
Pukapuka Mate/mate Going out, flickering
Pukapuka Mata/matua Main, important
Pukapuka Yii/moka/moka Completely finish off, destroy