Entries from Dougherty 1983 in Pollex-Online

Dougherty, J. W. D. (1983). West Futuna-Aniwa: An Introduction to a Polynesian Outlier Language. Berkeley, University of California Press.

Language Item Description
West Futuna (H)tae Faeces, excrement, dung
West Futuna Tafa Side, half, portion; partially
West Futuna Tafa Coconut when meat has jellied and milk is still sweet
West Futuna Toxtorangi The horizon Problematic
West Futuna (H)tafe Stream, current; to flow, melt. Creek (vallée); dysenterie (Rve).
West Futuna Tafea To drift; be pulled (by a current)
West Futuna Tafito End of a thing
West Futuna Tafoia Break, crack, chip; open (as canned food, shellfish Problematic
West Futuna Tafora Whale
West Futuna Tafu/nake To warm at fire
West Futuna Tafuri To turn (vi). Faire volte-face (Rve).
West Futuna Tagata. Táŋata (Cpl). Man, person, human being; husband
West Futuna Tag(a)taga, htaga Loose, slack, insecure
West Futuna Tagi Cry
West Futuna Tai Sea, ocean, salt-water, tide
West Futuna Taka To exile oneself
West Futuna Taka Step, stumble, fall, tumble
West Futuna Taka Twine used specifically for fixing fishhook to fishing line
West Futuna Takere/vaka Bottom of the canoe; said of big men
West Futuna Takere/vaka Bottom of the canoe; said of big men Problematic
West Futuna Taki/na Pluck up, weigh anchor. Déraciner (arbre), retirer grosses ignames; arracher un dent (Rve).
West Futuna Tuku/a Say, tell; talk, speech
West Futuna Tiaku My (A category), mine
West Futuna (N)tara Fins of fish; to sharpen (esp. with file)
West Futuna Tara Stick above door, lintel (Gunn). Problematic
West Futuna Tarai-a Scrape, to scrape out; shavings (esp. of green banana).... Gratter banane avec coquillage (Rve).
West Futuna Tare Cough
West Futuna Ta(h)ri-a (pl. h/tari) Wait, await, stay
West Futuna Tari erie (sic) Crab sp
West Futuna Taro Taro
West Futuna Taro/taro Supplicate a god; prayer
West Futuna Tama fine Daughter. Fillette (Rve).
West Futuna Tamana Father
West Futuna Tamau-a To devise a plan Problematic
West Futuna Tamau-nga Intention, idea Problematic
West Futuna Tamori Climbing plant sp
West Futuna Taane Male
West Futuna Tanu/mia Bury
West Futuna Tao. To (Cpl) Spear (esp. long handled spear with one, two or three prongs, used for spearing crabs)
West Futuna (H)tao, to/na (ANI) Cook in earth oven
West Futuna Puku Hip Problematic
West Futuna Toto/ama A fish. (Fistularia petimba) (Rve).
West Futuna (H)tapa To call out, call to
West Futuna Tapa Shine, reflect
West Futuna Tapasi/a Break, split; separate
West Futuna Tapatapa Kind of sea-crab
West Futuna Tapatu Barracuda
West Futuna Tape Sinai Navel Problematic
West Futuna Tape/a. Tapi/a (Cpl). Twist into a rope; plait, braid Problematic
West Futuna Tapu Forbidden, sacred, holy; prohibition