Entries from Dougherty 1983 in Pollex-Online

Dougherty, J. W. D. (1983). West Futuna-Aniwa: An Introduction to a Polynesian Outlier Language. Berkeley, University of California Press.

Language Item Description
West Futuna Tasi-a To shave, cut (esp. hair)
West Futuna Tata Near
West Futuna (H)ta Baler
West Futuna Htau To be fitting, right, proper; satisfactory, enough, sated
West Futuna -tatou First person inclusive plural possessive suffix
West Futuna A/kitatou We (inc.)
West Futuna Tau Follow in the ways of, take after, learn from
West Futuna Tau-a Count, add, read
West Futuna Tau Come to shore, cast anchor, touch at a place. Aborder (Rve).
West Futuna Tau Season, year
West Futuna Toa. Toua (Rve). War Problematic
West Futuna A/kitaua We two (inc.)
West Futuna Taufufu Suture on top of skull. Poutre faitière (Rve).
West Futuna Tauga Hanger, hanging pot; contraption for hanging things from ceiling (esp. to keep rats from getting food). Stick or rope for slinging food on, hanger (Cpl).
West Futuna Tauia To lighten Problematic
West Futuna Taura Rope
West Futuna Taumafa Offering
West Futuna Tavake Bird sp. Tropic Bird (Clk).
West Futuna Taaviri/viri Be eager Problematic
West Futuna Te Definite article
West Futuna Tera Bald, go bald
West Futuna Tere To run, move, go (with singular subject)
West Futuna Ji To shine intensely, brightly; hot, burning
West Futuna Jira Mast
West Futuna Jiri-a To throw
West Futuna Jiro/a Look carefully, search for
West Futuna Tsimu Blow hard (of wind)
West Futuna Jinae Belly, abdomen, stomach, womb
West Futuna Tsinana Mother
West Futuna Tih/tea To shine after rain (of sun) Borrowed
West Futuna To Fall (e.g. rain)
West Futuna Toa Ironwood
West Futuna Toe Be left, survive
West Futuna Toga South. Southeast wind
West Futuna Rui/toga South wind
West Futuna Togo Mangrove
West Futuna To/ia Pull, drag
West Futuna Toka Reef; rock, boulder; submerged rock
West Futuna Tokorau Southwest wind
West Futuna Tokotoko Walking-stick
West Futuna Tori/a Gather fruit
West Futuna (Toro)(h)toro To crawl, creep, walk bent over. Marcher a quatre pattes (Rve).
West Futuna Toru Three
West Futuna Tona Wart
West Futuna (To)(h)tonu Straight, right, correct
West Futuna Tosi/a Cut, trim (of hair)
West Futuna Toto Blood; to bleed; sap of a tree or plant
West Futuna Tu Stand
West Futuna Tu(-shia) Cut away, cut off
West Futuna Tuu Stick straight into something