Entries from Dougherty 1983 in Pollex-Online

Dougherty, J. W. D. (1983). West Futuna-Aniwa: An Introduction to a Polynesian Outlier Language. Berkeley, University of California Press.

Language Item Description
West Futuna Puku toro Jointed section of sugar cane. Intervale entre noeuds (Rve). Phonologically Irregular
West Futuna H/pura To plant, cover seeds (or other crops such as roots) with earth
West Futuna Pusaki/na To smash something to bits. Bouteille qui se brise en morceaux (Rve). Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna Putogi-a Cover, wrap. Panser, couvrir, mettre une feuille (Rve).
West Futuna Ura Flame (n)
West Futuna Ura To redden; reddish; ripe
West Futuna Rakau otua Priest, diviner. Bon sorcier, médicin (Rve).
West Futuna Rago/na To budy surf, catch waves (garu as object)
West Futuna Lago To surf Phonologically Irregular
West Futuna H/lago garu Body surfing, wave catching (vi)
West Futuna Re/tu Road, path, way of doing
West Futuna H/liki Small
West Futuna (Mah)mata Green (color)
West Futuna Ruo/ki/nea, ruakina (Cpl), roukinia (Rve) The cooking oven
West Futuna Ro/ki/nea Depression made in the ground to use for cooking, stone oven
West Futuna Raurau A covering made of leaves used to protect starchy puddings while cooking
West Futuna Ma Sister-in-law (of woman); female cross-cousin
West Futuna Fei Reciprocal particle used with personal nouns in the dual, trial or plural...
West Futuna Ru- To move (with directional particle) (exs. into, out of)
West Futuna Ru/fia To move something
West Futuna Jiko To defecate
West Futuna Siga To limp. Boiter (avec blessure sous pieds) (Rve). Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna Siga/siga To become lame, to limp; to hop on one leg Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna Jino Appearance, image; impression of something, sign or mark of something
West Futuna Sop/raka/ia To leap over
West Futuna Ua(i) Locative preposition indicating a direction, location, or interval of space Problematic
West Futuna Tafe ti (te) ata Dawn, cockcrow. Obscurité précédant l'aube (Rve).
West Futuna Koka sore Tree sp.
West Futuna Mako Tree sp. (yellow blossom). Cordia subcordata (Wly).
West Futuna Tava Fruit tree. Pometia pinnata (Wly).
West Futuna Ta, tah/ta To nod (head), wag (tail); to flip-flop Problematic
West Futuna Tah/tako/ga Show-off, ostentatious individual; to clown around, to show off. Orgueilleux (Rve). Problematic
West Futuna Ta/ia To bail out
West Futuna Taka- Possessive trial article
West Futuna Taku Pelvis; hollow between front pelvic bones, waist, concavity Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna (Tap)tape/ia Lightning; any flash of light
West Futuna Taro-a To stab, to insert. Piquer, sagayer (Rve).
West Futuna Taki To step, to make a sudden movement
West Futuna Ta/taki-na March, step out, go quickly
West Futuna Tau/ia To strain (coconut milk through coconut cloth into a leaf container)
West Futuna Te nei This (pro); present (adj)
West Futuna Te ra That yonder (pro); last, past (of time) (adj)
West Futuna Te/reva To be tired of something; not feel right; sense something amiss. Etre fatigué (Rve).
West Futuna Atua, t/etua Ghost, spirit, demon; ancestor; Christian God
West Futuna Tu (pl. h/tu) To stick straight into something; to be exactly on target Problematic
West Futuna To/fia To touch
West Futuna Toko/ia To carry, to support. L'apporter (sans brancard); porter bois sur l'épaule (Rve).
West Futuna Tokorau tu West wind
West Futuna To/mi-a To hold down, press down, weigh down. Recouvrir de pierres chaudes (Rve).
West Futuna Toro/jia To pull, drag, haul. Tirer au sec (pirogue) (Rve).