Entries from Davletshin 2013 in Pollex-Online

Albert Davletshin, field notes

Language Item Description
Nuguria Vvela Hot; heat
Nuguria V/vete (veete/a) Untie, undo
Nuguria V/viri Masturbate (of male)
Nuguria V/voro (pass. voro/hia) Shoot (spear), pierce, stab (throwing actions)
Nuguria Hakai/niu Fibre covering the coconut, husk
Nuguria Hiriani Mast
Nuguria Titi tai A kind of grass, creeper with yellow flowers
Nuguria Tua toro A kind of seashore creeper
Nuguria Maakaka-ttau Solid, hard
Nuguria Puurei Glans penis
Nuguria Himata Thousand (Takuu word?)
Nuguria Hihi/vao Cricket
Nuguria Hikihiki/tau Bird sp., red robin
Nuguria Kami Run
Nuguria K/kao Narrow (of cloth)
Nuguria Kipu West wind, also west
Nuguria Hi/a/oa Two (reporting), pair
Nuguria Uru-kau A kind of shark with a sharp point
Nuguria Oko Blow (hard, of wind)
Nuguria Oko/oko Blow in gusts
Nuguria Kailaulau Selfish, greedy
Nuguria Rona/rona Cockroach Problematic
Nuguria Naani Be enough, reach; can, be able Problematic
Nuguria Tere Walk, move fast (of humans)
Nuguria Taurekareka (pl. taurreka) Good
Nuguria H/huro, huro/huro Move constantly, run (humans)
Nuguria Haka/muni/muni Play hide and seek
Nuguria M/miri Tighten (lid of bottle) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nuguria Maneke (pl. manneke) Move (vi)
Nuguria Supee, hupee Snot (mucus)
Nuguria Rue A kind of dance
Nuguria Napa Shame; ashamed
Nuguria Raa, laa Another
Nuguria Tama Person, human being, people
Nuguria Hinaona In-laws (affines of the generation above one's spouse) Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria Ssee Shoo! (to a mouse) Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria Kaahana A kind of rope ladder, loop used around one's feet and hands to assist in climbing coconut trees
Nuguria Kaakena Step of a house; ladder
Nuguria Kano-kano Wasp
Nuguria (Kanamata) p/puni Blind
Nuguria Kata Snake (generic); also sea eels and intestinal worms
Nuguria Kivi A kind of sea bird
Nuguria Ku Perfect aspect marker
Nuguria Kunu A kind of shellfish (small, grows on stones, edible)
Nuguria Maaoa Yawn Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria Mahana Loose, free (e.g. rope); take off (of a bird)
Nuguria Mai Postposed directional particle: here, to me, for me
Nuguria Maisu Lips, area around the mouth
Nuguria Maauri-loo Truly, really Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria Ha-maauri True, truly, really Phonologically Irregular