Entries from Davletshin 2013 in Pollex-Online

Albert Davletshin, field notes

Language Item Description
Nuguria Tuna Sea eel
Nuguria Tuni/tuni Burnt on one side, then on the other (of fish)
Nuguria Tupe Seed of the tauraura tree, used to make spinning tops; spinning top
Nuguria Turi Shore bird sp.
Nuguria Turi Knee
Nuguria Turuturu Posts of house
Nuguria Uhi Lid; wear, put on (clothes); cover (a boat from waves)
Nuguria Uhi New green shoots on a planted cutting
Nuguria Uhi/uhi Cloudy (sky); dress (oneself)
Nuguria Uho Navel, umbilical cord
Nuguria Uhu (pl. uhu/uhu) Take off, undress; gather, pluck (nuts, breadfruit); hunt (young birds, taking out of nests)
Nuguria Uhu Parrotfish
Nuguria Uka Rope (small), string, cord
Nuguria Uka Sinew, vein
Nuguria Uma Meat of chest
Nuguria Umi Smoke (tobacco)
Nuguria Umi/umi Suck (a lolly, one's fingers)
Nuguria Una Turtle shell; ring (on finger)
Nuguria Una/mea Turtle (generic), also green sea-turtle...
Nuguria Unahi Fish scales; scale (fish) (vt)
Nuguria Unu-hia Uproot, pull out/up
Nuguria Ura (pl. urra) Burn (vi), be alight (of fire)
Nuguria Ura Crayfish (generic)
Nuguria Ure Penis (including testicles)
Nuguria Uru Enter, go/come in(side)
Nuguria Uru Take out still burning firewood from the earth oven
Nuguria Uta-ina Load (cargo onto a vessel)
Nuguria Uto Sprouting coconut
Nuguria Utua A long strip of shallows in the sea
Nuguria Uu Breast; milk; suck (milk from breast)
Nuguria Uu Coconut crab (edible)
Nuguria Vaa (Period of) time
Nuguria Vaanana Spiritual power (of chiefs and prophets)
Nuguria Vaevae Separated, apart
Nuguria (V)vaha Shout (and make a lot of noise) Problematic
Nuguria Vai-h/aaria Swampy area Problematic
Nuguria Vaka Canoe, boat
Nuguria Vana Sea urchin (inedible)
Nuguria Vare/vare Going bad (solid food, such as taro, rice, etc., and coconut oil)
Nuguria Varo Mantis shrimp (edible)
Nuguria Varovaro Tree sp. (its wood is good for fire-plough)
Nuguria Vela Angry
Nuguria V/vere, v/vele, vere/vere Weed or clean a garden
Nuguria Vii Bad taste (of kareve, soup or any liquid going bad; also taro)
Nuguria Viri aku vae Move fast
Nuguria Voro/voro Harpoon (fish)
Nuguria V/vaa Noisy, loud
Nuguria V/vae (pass. vae/a) Separate, divide, share something with somebody
Nuguria V/vare Crazy; drunk, intoxicated
Nuguria V/varu (mult. varu/varu) Scrape (coconut, frying pan)