Entries from Sperlich 1997 in Pollex-Online
Sperlich, Wolfgang B., ed. (1997) Tohi Vagahau Niue/ Niue Language Dictionary. Government of Niue in association with Department of LInguistics, University of Hawai'i, Honolulu
Language | Item | Description |
Niue | Lupa | To spark, to flare Phonologically Irregular |
Niue | Lutu | To move (vt) |
Niue | Maaa | Brother-in-law, sister-in-law Problematic |
Niue | Maa/ki | To be faded, washed out |
Niue | Ma/funa/funa | Crumble, fall to bits. Mashed (McE). |
Niue | Maago/a | Empty, dry (of fallen coconut) |
Niue | Ma/iloga | To distinguish, to recognize, to acknowledge. Sign, mark (McE). |
Niue | Manoa. Maanoa (McE). | Thread. Spool, reel (McE). |
Niue | Mao | mao V mai: Be perceived (by speaker) as a result of V Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Niue | Mataali | Premature (of fruit) |
Niue | Matapule/ga | Ceremonial rite of passage (in modern times associated with circumcision) |
Niue | Matua | Elder (n) |
Niue | Mea | Fish gills Problematic |
Niue | Melo | Mixed (of colour) (mainly refers to shades of yellow, green, red and brown); to redden (of face or eyes, as when close to tears) |
Niue | Miko | To twist Phonologically Irregular |
Niue | Mo | As Problematic |
Niue | Moke | Nothing left. Oti moke, completely finished Problematic |
Niue | Moo/kefu | Mealy-bug |
Niue | Moko | Child (term of endearment...) |
Niue | Momi | Rubber tubing. Rubber (McE). Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Niue | Mo/mole | Slippery, smooth |
Niue | Mono | To replace, give back, repay Problematic |
Niue | Monu/ina | To prosper, be successful, lucky, fortunate |
Niue | Mootipo | Plant spp. (Triumfetta rhomboidea) and (Urena lobata) |
Niue | Moo/tou | Tree sp. (Cordia subcordata) |
Niue | Muhu | (with following noun) Abundant in, have plenty of (what is denoted by the noun) |
Niue | Mulu | To fiddle; to take too long (of work) Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Niue | Mune | Bare, lacking in (e.g.) feathers, hair, teeth, limbs Problematic |
Niue | Nafa, lafa | To hit, beat |
Niue | Na/kai | Post-verbal marker of neutral yes-no questions |
Niue | Nii | Post-verbal particle: Just, only; indeed, quite Problematic |
Niue | Naa | Demonstrative adjective, pointing to something or someone near the person addressed Problematic |
Niue | Nuu(pia) | To process (arrowroot) |
Niue | Ole(ole) | (with negative) Not much Problematic |
Niue | Olopoou | Mother (name given to new mother having her first child) |
Niue | Ope/ope | Heavy, bent down. Weak, near death (McE). Phonologically Irregular |
Niue | Ota | A measure (us. a bucket) of grated arrowroot |
Niue | Oue. Ouee (McE). | Thank you! |
Niue | Pa/agi | To glide or float up and down in the air Phonologically Irregular |
Niue | Pango | Fern sp. (Cyclosorus invisus) Phonologically Irregular |
Niue | Pango/taa | Prisoner, convict. Slave (McE). Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Niue | Pango/pango/taa | Rude. Uncouth (McE). |
Niue | Pag/uti | To make a light crackling sound [when eaten] |
Niue | Paha/huu | To be damp |
Niue | Pahua, pakua | Bone Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Niue | Pala/pala/veka | Fern spp. (Tectaria chrysotricha, T.latifolia) |
Niue | Pala/tava | Coastal fern spp. (Phymatodes nigrescens, Acrostichum aureum) |
Niue | Palea | To obtain or receive something unexpectedly. Obtained in an indefinite way, or from an indefinite place; infrequent, rare (McE). |
Niue | Pale/pale | Reward, payment. Compensation (McE). Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Niue | Palu teehii | Castor oil fish (Ruvettus pretiosus) |