Entries from Sperlich 1997 in Pollex-Online

Sperlich, Wolfgang B., ed. (1997) Tohi Vagahau Niue/ Niue Language Dictionary. Government of Niue in association with Department of LInguistics, University of Hawai'i, Honolulu

Language Item Description
Niue Lole/lole Weak, tired, feeble Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue Maihi To be split open; rock crevice
Niue Malona, maona To be spoiled, ruined, broken
Niue Havala To be cheeky, to be a nuisance
Niue Mata/havala Mischievous
Niue Matohi/aga Genealogy
Niue Te/ao In vain; without purpose, without reason; to have nothing, to mind one's own business Problematic
Niue Matuku To subside, to become less [ex. strength of wind]
Niue Maukoloa Trader, merchant, shopkeeper (sometimes used as a metaphor for 'rich')
Niue Mauku Disaster; funeral. Poor fellow, good-for-nothing (McE). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue Tau/fagatua To wrestle
Niue Taute To make, prepare, do, act; outfit, dress
Niue Tepu Lump, knot; knob; small place, spot of land; wart; clitoris
Niue Tokia To be caught unexpectedly, to be struck (as in a shower or strong wind at sea)
Niue Toki/hala To repent
Niue Tua To believe, to have faith; to be dependent, to rely
Niue Velevele To be in desperate need of something
Niue Velevele/mena Covetous, greedy
Niue Aku Long Tom, pipefish (Tylosurus crocodilus). Pipe fish (McE). Phonologically Irregular
Niue Aofi Ceiling; to make a ceiling
Niue E/emo To get or pick a small portion of something Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue Faga Specific habitat of certain species of crabs and some seashells. A fishing ground where certain species are known to be plentiful (McE).
Niue Faga Type, class, sort, variety, species, breed
Niue Faga Sideburns, hair grown by a man down the sides of his face
Niue Faga/faga lee Temple, area between the forehead and the sideburns
Niue Fagu/na To interrupt ceaselessly, to be a nuisance, to annoy, to irritate.
Niue Fai/taua Enmity, bad feeling
Niue Fai/tuga Temple, church
Niue Fefe Frill; inner lips of clam; comb of fowl
Niue Fe/hee/taki To be mixed up
Niue Fekii To laugh (plural subject) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue Feko Lean, bony, skinny
Niue Fenoga Journey, trip; to travel, to make a journey. Company of travellers (McE).
Niue Fetaanu A small poisonous tree (Excoecaria agallocha)
Niue Fe/utu Cliff
Niue Fifitaki To imitate, to copy
Niue Kona fifiti To be bitter, to feel bitter
Niue Foo/foo Wash (clothes)
Niue (Faka)foo/hifo To lie face down, to place face down
Niue Foli To aim at, strive
Niue Foli/a To accomplish, achieve, attain
Niue Foli/foli Foolhardy, reckless
Niue Fono To place a taboo, to prohibit
Niue Fotuo Large-eyed bream or emperor (Monotaxis grandoculis)
Niue Fu/fule To pull back (foreskin)
Niue Fulu Straighten, shape, smoothen (making a hat) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue Fulu/hi To turn, to overturn Phonologically Irregular
Niue Fulu/melie To be kind. Liberal, kind (McE).
Niue Fulu/moko/i Agreeable
Niue (Fu)funa To crumble (vt)