Entries from Elbert 1975-81 in Pollex-Online

Elbert, S. H. (1975-81). Dictionary of the Language of Rennell and Bellona. Copenhagen, The National Museum of Denmark.

Language Item Description
Rennellese Gogohi Cold Problematic
Rennellese Gonga/ʔa Do often, go or come often
Rennellese Gongo Hear, listen, feel, taste
Rennellese Gongo News, report, message
Rennellese Gongoaʔa Irritated by noise; nervous, nerve-racking noise
Rennellese Gosogoso Bunch or cluster, as of coconuts
Rennellese Gou Long pole for picking breadfruit
Rennellese Goi To lie
Rennellese Loi To masturbate (usually, but not exclusively of males Problematic
Rennellese Goʔimata Tear (from weeping)
Rennellese Goka/goka Ripple
Rennellese Goku Bend
Rennellese Gogi Kind of seaslug not eaten
Rennellese Gogo Be oily, greasy, rich, very sweet
Rennellese Gogo To sink, as an outrigger float
Rennellese Gogonga Portion of a seine...made of bagaitu [vine sp.] and sewed to others to form the finished seine
Rennellese Gogongo Chant
Rennellese Go/gomi/ Press down, submerge, sink
Rennellese Gomi Press a little
Rennellese Goto Inside, interior, centre
Rennellese Goto Lagoon inside reef
Rennellese Goto Thought, intelligence; to think, want, desire; to agree, as lovers
Rennellese Gotu Desire, want
Rennellese Gotu/ʔaki Work to finish; desire or do persistently and with fervour
Rennellese Guu/guu Shake
Rennellese Gua Hole, pit
Rennellese Gua Throw up, vomit
Rennellese Gua Two, second, twice
Rennellese Guani Associate with (demeaning); tend, as a baby; have as servant; servant
Rennellese Guatuʔu Northeast wind
Rennellese Gu/guku/ Gather together
Rennellese Gugu Barn owl, Tyto alba
Rennellese Gugu Lash small house-beams to sides and roof
Rennellese Gugu Calm, sheltered, to leeward
Rennellese Guna (BEL nguna) (Morinda citrifolia)
Rennellese Gupe Pacific pigeon, (Ducula pacifica)
Rennellese Gupo Young of heeqaaika fish
Rennellese Ma With, and, for, in behalf of
Rennellese Maa Ashamed
Rennellese Kimaa First person dual exclusive preposed pronoun
Rennellese -maa(ua) First person dual exclusive possessive suffix
Rennellese Maʔa Clean, clear
Rennellese Maʔa Benefactive preposition, for
Rennellese Maʔaa Classificatory brother-in-law (am speaking), sister-in-law (woman speaking)
Rennellese Mae Wilt, be wilted
Rennellese Maeba Come or go fast; lie spread out
Rennellese Mahaʔa Crack, split, burst, be cracked, split
Rennellese Mahana Be warm, as food
Rennellese Maahana Offering of cooked food for the gods (REN)
Rennellese Mahega Lie, sit or stand with legs spread